
2003-10-19 06:17:00

My Friends,

The first order of the day is to welcome Glenys back. It's funny, I was just thinking of her this morning and then I check my mail and there is a post from her.

Sounds like you had quite an experience. I'll bet a lot of it was different than you expected, but I'll also bet you wouldn't trade the memories for anything else.

Five marriage proposals? Impressive. I think you've really roused the curiosity of all the guys here who have never met you. We expect to meet a real dynamo when you make it to a gathering.

Diane. I do not doubt that various close pets exhibit human qualities. DK tells us that pets are in training to become humans in a future age. Some of the more advanced ones will be taking on some human characteristics.

Robert, it sounds like you are keeping up on the latest technology in teleconferencing. Until everyone get we fast computers I am more interested in audio broadcasting. As most of you know I have posted audio on MP3 for the group to read now and then but I am looking forward to going several steps further. Perhaps Robert or someone else is up on the new developments and can tell us what can be done.

First Step: To broadcast on the internet, possibly an internet radio station so that the group can receive it through the internet on something like Windows Media Player, Real Player or some other software that is readily available. The broadcast would be in real time like a talk radio program and members could call in by telephone and ask questions.

Second Step: We evolve go the point where most members have the software to interact like a teleconference. If we have 50 members signed on then anyone who wants to can talk.

I checked into this a while back and most of those who offer anything like this charge an arm and a leg. I did find a program for a PC that looked pretty reasonable, but I use a Mac. If I knew it worked well on a PC, I would buy a new one just to use it.

Someone who is interested might want to do some research for us and see what is the best program available.

Robert also writes:
I have been thinking of a Molecular Business lately as I am in the process of transforming my small publishing company, actually, I am in the process of writing a business plan. I would be willing to discuss the Molecular Business idea.

I've always thought it would be best to start the first one with some type of manufacturing with over 20 employees, but one could certainly experiment with elements of it and then expand with a smaller business. Let us know what you come up with.

For my birthday I got a humidifier and a de-humidifier...I put them in the same room and let them fight it out. Steven Wright