2003-10-16 05:45:00
Welcome to the list Khadeejah. Very thoughtful post for your first one. Hope to see more of you. I'll be commenting on the "seeds of life" shortly.
I assume by your address you come from Australia. What is your background and what does your name mean?
Felix, I don't mind short posts letting us know what new thing Benjamin Creme has come up with as long as we can take or leave it.
Robill writes:
- 7 branches = 1 subrace
- 7 subraces = 1 root-races
- 7 root-races = 1 world period
- 7 world period = 1 round
- 7 rounds = 1 chain
- 7 chains = 1 planetary scheme
- 10 planetary schemes = 1 solar system
Note: I cannot find the place of 'globe' in this information. Could somebody provide any information about where does 'globe' fit in? Because after this DK very seldom talks about 'world period', but only 'chain', 'round', and 'globe'.
I think even some Theosophists and old time Alice A. Bailey students get confused with these terms.
A round is equal to the life of a globe. Technically it is called a globe-round. An entire chain is usually just called a round, but sometimes a globe-round is also referred to as a round, hence the confusion.
Let me expand on a statement I made yesterday. I said: "There are a total of seven chains and these 49 globes of seven chains constitute one scheme. A scheme is equal to the life of a solar system."
One may wonder at the fact that there are 10 schemes in the life of a solar system which seems to indicate that the life of a solar system is ten times longer than the one earth scheme.
That's not quite the way it works.
At present there are seven schemes in our solar system of which the earth scheme is one. Each one of these seven schemes represents a center in the life of the solar logos. The earth scheme represents the first center - the one at the base of the spine with four petals. Here again the number four surfaces. This gives the cross particular significance as far as the earth is concerned. DK calls the four petals the "Cross of the Holy Spirit" which also makes it the point where spirit and matter meet within our solar system.
Just as all the centers in our body are linked and interdependent, yet all exist simultaneously in the body even so do the seven schemes or centers in our solar system all exist together.
Also just as life begins at the center at the base of the spine for a human and dies when it is extinguished, even so will the end of the earth scheme signal the end of the solar system.
When the earth scheme ends the six other schemes will also come to an end and the physical sun will disappear also. When this happens three more schemes will appear made of the highest mental matter which will be a synthesis of the previous seven schemes. When these final three schemes have played themselves out then the sun will disappear on higher levels and go into rest or pralaya.
The seven schemes we have now plus the three of higher vibration in the future equal the ten schemes mentioned by Robill.
This is one reason ten is called the number of perfection. Ten great cycles wraps up the work of the Solar Logos.
If esoteric teachings are accurate this means that the sun is quite a bit older, in relation to the earth, than current science believes.
Gemma: You're doing great!
I went to a restaurant that serves "breakfast at any time". So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance. Steven Wright
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