2003-10-15 05:20:00
John writes:
Will somebody please help me understand what Robill is saying here? I understand about the Kumaras coming from Venus, and I understand about investments. But what is the "Venus Scheme" and what is the "Earth Scheme"? They sound like plans, but why would one be "positive" or "negative" with regard to the other?
I don't know if DK ever gives a clear definition of a schemes, but it is an important concept to understand.
In esoteric writings the earth that we are on is called a "globe." We are on what is called "globe D," the densest of seven globes of which it is a part.
The scriptures tell us that this earth was created spiritually before it was created physically. Esoteric writings also tell us this, but instead of one previous spiritual earth there have been three which were Globe A, Globe B and Globe C. Globe C was a more refined matter than the present earth and Globes B and A still more refined respectively. When this earth passes away it will give birth to Globe E which is comparable to Globe C in vibration. The difference will be that humanity will be on the path of return rather than the path of descent, or falling into matter. When we reach Globe G we will have passed through seven globes. These seven globes constitute a "chain."
To remember this just visualize a chain of seven globes, or earths, linked together like a chain.
Evolution goes much further, however. Instead of there being only one chain of earths there are seven. When one chain passes away another chain of seven begins to materialize. Think reincarnation here. Not only is the earth reincarnated in seven different globes, but each of the chains of globes are also reincarnated into new chains when the previous passes away.
There are a total of seven chains and these 49 globes of seven chains constitute one scheme. A scheme is equal to the life of a solar system.
Ironically just as we are the fourth globe in a chain we are also the fourth chain in a scheme meaning that we are living on the 25th earth-like planet that has materialized on some plane in this solar system.
The coming of Christ marked the midway point in our globe, in our chain and in our scheme. This was indeed a point of tension and magic for planetary lives.
Before this earth scheme and this solar system there was a previous solar system where we (or our solar angels) passed through 49 other globes. This was our first estate.
We shall progress through one more solar system to prefect human (and other) evolution.
Of course these three solar systems are merely a link in a chain in connection with greater evolution still.
It is mind boggling to contemplate the vastness of it all.
John asks:
Why would one be "positive" or "negative" with regard to the other?
The positive globe, chain or scheme in relation to another is the one that gives more than it receives.
DK explains a mystery as to why the earth is positive to Venus even though the Kumaras came from Venus to stimulate our evolution on this globe. He tells us that when the entire chains of Earth and Venus are looked upon as a whole that the earth sends more than it receives from our sister planet.
I saw a bank that said "24 Hour Banking", but I don't have that much time. Steven Wright
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved