1999-2-22 13:21:00
Rob writes:
"Ok, here's where I get confused regarding forgiveness, JJ. It seems like you're also saying whenever someone wrongs another the person should not seek any compensation whatsoever. Doesn't the Bible also say that everyone will have done unto them what they do unto others?"
Glenys wrote:
"I'd also appreciate some clarification of your comments, JJ. We are now passing out of the Age of Sacrifice. Forgiveness often seems to involve being a doormat. Are you saying that one should not only forgive but also assist the offending party avoid the consequences of their action? I'm sure there's times when this is appropriate but sometimes helping someone avoid the consequences also helps them avoid the lesson they've set up for themselves."
An important point here is that black-and-white rules with no deviation belong to the time of Moses with all the strict laws that required no thought. We are told that these black-and-white laws were a "schoolmaster" to bring us to the law of Christ where we use judgment to comply with the "spirit of the law" which is often in conflict with the letter of the law.
The Beast uses the letter of the law and rules by it. To escape the Mark of the Beast we must have the law "written in our hearts" as is prophesied in the Book of Jeremiah about the Aquarian Age.
We are also told that there is a time and place for everything. Jesus, for instance, taught tolerance and love, yet when he entered the temple and witnessed the hypocrisy, he felt it was the correct time and place to let some anger fly.
There are times to go to court and times not to go to court. However, the time to forgive is always. To forgive does not negate justice but does let go of grievances.
If there is debt to be paid off here the Lords of Karma will take care of it.
Because we are passing into Aquarius does not mean we eliminate sacrifice. It means we should have learned its correct use and place and apply it intelligently.
It is possible that someone else on this list could have a similar problem and I would give different advice.
I also realize the problems that can occur when a person is pushed to his limit. To have control over our lives we must realize our limits and arrange our circumstances so they are not crossed.
Copyright © 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved