1999-2-22 10:54:00
I appreciate Jennifer Hampson's long and thoughtful post. I don't have time to elaborate on it now but enjoyed it. I was glad that Glenys gave her comments.
I wanted to say a few words about the negative influences everyone seems to be feeling. When I said to pay attention to Rob's post I was referring mainly to the positive portions. When there are negative occurrences we should not ignore them, but neither should we give them energy through ATTENTION.
The best thing to do is take note of all happenings, positive and negative, and then shift your attention to the positive things you wish to manifest in your life. This positive attention along with the use of The Song will be a great help.
What we should avoid is many testimonials that "the negative force is here." This causes the attention of the whole group to shift in this direction to some degree.
The fact is that whenever you make a major effort to improve your life a negative force will work to draw you backwards. Just make up your mind that when it comes you will move ahead with your ATTENTION focused on the positive no matter what happens, just as Dave did in the parable where he turned Hell into Heaven.
If you give the negative force your energy when it comes then it will hang around long enough to discourage you. Keep your mind focused on the soul and the negative will not be able to linger for more than three days. Think of it. You can handle almost anything for three days. If you have a problem for more than three days (that is far beyond normal good and bad) then you have let your ATTENTION be diverted from the Positive goal.
If you feel you need an extra jolt of spiritual energy and only have a short time to contemplate say this to yourself:
"Let the Angel of the Presence be in my presence so I feel Spirit of God is the only Presence."
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