Where Are We?

2003-9-23 05:51:00

Keith writes:
J.J., Susan, John or any other ex-mormons on the list, I would like to read these two letters Joseph wrote to Oliver. Is there a source on the internet where I can read these letters?

I read it in "Joseph Smith the First Mormon" by Donna Hill. This was the only objective book I have read about his life. You can probably find a copy in your library.

It's been about 20 years since I read it and I know he wrote to Oliver inviting him back. It seems like it was two times, but it could have only once.

Speaking of H. P. Blavatsky I have the text of a biography of her. I can't find a copyright so I think it is public domain. I'm not sure where I got it. It's pretty interesting and gives the reader a pretty good take on her life. If anyone wants a copy send me your e-mail address and I'll send it as a Microsoft Word document.

A similar volume may be found at: http://www.theosophical.org/theosophy/books/esotericworld/chapter01/

The time between lives once averaged 1000-1500 years, but not any more with the current population explosion. It is true there are 60 billion monads designated for this planet, but some of these are not incarnating at present, waiting instead for a period of peace and relative enlightenment.

From my personal research I would say the current time between lives is around 200 years on the average.

John is concerned that we might turn into an authoritarian group here and gives a church he attempted to start as an example.

Any example of misused authority in the past does not correspond to what we are doing here.

The Keys is not a religion, nor an organization, nor a business and has no bureaucracy.

The Keys is a classroom with a teacher, students and those who assist in teaching. No one has any authority to tell anyone how to govern their lives, who they will marry, what job they will take, what their spiritual quest shall be, what religion they are to take up, whether they smoke, drink, have sex, attend services, meditate, donate money, spend money etc.

You don't even have to buy a textbook as in the case with most classes.

About the worst abuse that could happen here is that the student may just accept what has been said without doing his homework.

And what is his homework?

It is to do some independent thinking, reading, checking and to run all he can by his own soul for confirmation.

But what if the student puts the teacher on a pedestal and thinks he is larger than life? (I could only wish...)

I had this happen myself with a couple teachers. And what was the result? Only fond memories and inspiration whenever I think of him/her.

If the time comes that any of us may consider joining an organized structure with rules and control, that is the time to check things out for these type of flaws.

Time for a Question from Ruth:
How do we know we aren't already in Devachan right now on Earth? I might have chosen to come back as a woman to have kids etc etc and experience that life in my dead state of mental mind! How do we know we are really alive, when all this could be just part of the whole illusion?

I think almost everyone has asked themselves a question like this including average people who have never heard of the devachan. I think I first had a thought like this as a small child. I would ask myself something like:

"How do I know I am really here and not just dreaming? Wouldn't it be something if I woke up and found I was really someone or something else?"

The philosopher Rene Descarte asked himself questions like this and he concluded that there was only one thing he knew for sure. He expressed it in the famous phrase: "I think therefore, I am."

I think that many of us sometimes wonder if life is a dream because all of us have progressed through numerous lives and each time we die it is a little like waking up from a dream and upon crossing over (before entering devachan) physical life will have seemed like a dream.

I'll bet life seemed like a dream to Marylin when she was faced with entering that light. We are glad though that she stayed in touch enough to come back to us.

Here is the Key to a happy existence:

No matter where you find yourself accept your circumstances until you have knowledge to produce better circumstances. Having made that acceptance move ahead following the highest you know. When you find "the good the beautiful and the true" incorporate it into your life and continue onward.

Actually, one difference between earth life and devachan is that every project ends with wonderful success there, but here one has more failure than success. This is the lone a dreary world on the outside. Devachan is a bright and glorious world where all our dreams come true.

In devachan we rest and if we labor, even work seems to be a rest.

On earth we labor by the sweat of our brow and undergo great struggle.

We know for sure we are here on the earth and not dreaming, or in devachan because there is struggle, pain, disappointment followed by a little joy and accomplishment now and then. Here is where we build our spiritual muscles.

I'll answer another question for you shortly.

I took a course in speed waiting. Now I can wait an hour in only ten minutes. Steven Wright