2003-9-21 03:35:00
Ruth tells us she is somewhat upset because no one has answered her questions and is concerned about the way that some have responded to her posts.
Let me comment on the latter first. I don't know how many lists you have been on, but on each of them you will find a diverse group. Some you will feel in harmony with and others you will not. There may be some who are just difficult to get along with, but more often than not it is something like ray differences. For instance, someone along the lines of 2-4-6 is often easily offended by another with rays lines of 1-3-5-7, yet the odd ray lines may get along great with each other.
The important key is this. Stand your ground, be yourself and participate as if the world is on your side.
As I have said many times I am very limited in time and physically cannot answer all questions. Here is the criteria for my choices.
(1) Does the question apply to the current topic?
(2) Is the question of interest to the group?
(3) Has the question already been answered in the archives?
(4) Can the question be answered by another member of the Keys? (Many questions are answered this way)
As I have said, if you have a question of importance and it is not answered then ask again.
Since you feel that you have received little response to your questions we will go out of our way to do a little catch up.
I will personally answer three questions that you wish to ask. The first one I will answer now and I will answer two more (to the best of my knowledge) that you may ask during the coming week.
Recent Question from Ruth:
Also, why did DK channel through AAB, when a Master like Jesus could have? Can only Masters who vibrate on certain rays come through to an earth person?
DK is one of the younger masters, only about 300 years in the same body. He received this time consuming job for three reasons.
(1) To free up the time of the Senior members of the Hierarchy so they can do their lines of work. The work of the Hierarchy is much more extensive than is realized by disciples. They not only work with human affairs but with all the kingdoms of the earth. This ranges from contact with Shamballa to working with the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms, not to mention the deva.
(2) Even though he is a young master he has done much more extensive personal research on the rays and initiations than have some other Masters. Thus he was well qualified to release the needed information.
(3) He needed this assignment to complete his fifth initiation so he can move on to the sixth.
How do the Masters know everything that happens here on Earth? Through Shamballa? If so, how do Masters etc know what is happening to every single person here on Earth?
They do not know everything that is happening. They have the capacity to tune into a person or situation, or even see a picture of the whole, but there are many things they do not see.
The Ancient of Days is the only one here of evolution high enough to be aware of all earth lives at the same moment. This is because we are all esoterically a part of his one body.
(Oh now I remember, they only pick up on people who are more enlightened or who have better soul contact than others?)
A Master may be in close communion with maybe a dozen disciples and then he disciple is in contact with his various students. The Masters are not God, but are more advanced than us humans.
It is not the job of the Masters to work with average humanity. This is the work of the solar angel and its reflections in the astral world.
Everyone who is seeking receives all they can handle whether they realize it or not.
These are actually three questions, but we shall count them as one question.
Go ahead and ask two more. If anyone gives you a bad time we'll zap them with our othomenananometer.
Yesterday I parked my car in a tow-away zone...when I came back the entire area was missing. Steven Wright
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved