2003-9-19 04:39:00
Have we not had our bran muffin yet today? Your post seems oddly acerbic. I can see why Susan said she was speechless, as this does not seem like the gentle diplomatic John we usually see.
I'll make a few comments and hope it will help settle your mind. I'm also making them for the benefit of some new people who may get a wrong impression about our direction from your words.
John C:
So, it's OK for JJ to have personal revelation, but not anybody else?
No one has ever said this, nor believes it to my knowledge. I couldn't make it not OK if I wanted to.
All are encouraged to receive their own revelation and confirmation through their own soul. If anyone feels they have received some truth verified through their soul they are welcome to post it.
I've read a lot of illogical and contradictory posts on Keys, and I rely on the light within me to constantly filter out what is useful truth and what is sensational drivel.
If these mysterious posts bother you, you should mention them while they are on topic.
I have heard many contorted answers given to very simple, probing questions.
You can't please everyone, but again you have never mentioned the contortions so it is difficult to clarify an illusive boogieman.
I have witnessed theology manufactured in real time.
This is possible since we do seek to elaborate on numerous mysteries here. Is there something wrong with this?
I thought the Keys was taking an intelligent, deliberate, scientific approach to learning higher truths
Many here think it is, including myself.
....but this smacks of the crapola that turned me off to the new age movement years ago.
I can't comment on the crapola since you are not specific. Since this seems to bother you so much, why have you waited years to even mention the crapola?
Perhaps you can give us an example of it so we do not have to endure nebulous accusations.
Words only mean what we say they mean when we are speaking exoterically, but when speaking esoterically, they mean something else, etc, etc. I'm perfectly willing to grab the ladder and climb up, even if I can't see where the ladder is leading, but now you are saying that the ladder may or may not be leading anywhere. You are saying that the "iron rod" or the word of God is really a rubber hose.
I do not think Susan, me or anyone else knows what you are talking about here. Any ladder I am on is going somewhere.
By the criterion you are giving us, anybody on this list that claims having intuition is as equally qualified to teach as anybody else, but just don't get caught trying it.
Do you feel that someone is after you, John? Perhaps you can elaborate on what bothers you here.
Let me ask this question to the list:
Does anyone feel like they will be attacked if they post inspiration or knowledge they feel they have received?
Hopefully this feeling is not widespread.
Let's throw out history. Let's throw out common sense. Let's throw out logic. Let's throw out anybody else's revelations except JJ Dewey's.
No one on this list, I know of, has advised or even entertained this thought. Why are you saying this John?
And for that matter, why keep archives. That's history. JJ might say something today that contradicts what he said a year ago. This sounds like what the LDS church says about their living prophets and the idea that what the prophet says today takes precedence over what he said yesterday, even if the two things contradict each other. That was the whole basis of JJ's articles about "Infallible Authority".
Why do you say this, John? I have never taught this. If anyone sees any apparent contradiction in my teachings I am always happy to elaborate. You cannot cite one case where I have refused to do this.
I have always taught that truth does not contradict. If there seem to be contradictions it is always because we do not have all the details.
Sounds like a recipe for a cult. I have never been so disappointed and disgusted with a post in all the time I have been on Keys. I smell blind Ray 6 devotion so strongly, I have to hold my nose.
And I am disappointed by you making a statement such as this. I assume you are referring to Susan's post here. All she is saying about contradictions is that they make us think and fall back on our intuition to figure them out. This is the opposite of cult-like.
There are a lot of things that I like about the Keys and a number of things that I don't like. And the biggest thing I don't like is the pedestal that some of the members are putting JJ on. I used to think it was JJ, but I am coming to realize that is it not him, but some of his more zealous followers. It reminds me of the high priests in JJ's parable of the Pharaoh.
If you go through the Keys archives I think you will find more people trying to take me off a pedestal than those putting me on one. In addition, I think you'll have to go through over 100 posts, on the average, before you find someone praising me. In any classroom you'll find diverse opinions about the teacher. This one is no different. As evidence that this class is composed of intelligent independent thinkers we find that even my strongest supporters will stop on a dime and question me if my words do not ring true to their soul or convictions.
Even Susan, whom you are accusing of being overly devoted has done this several times and it took some doing to answer her objections.
And look at Larry who is presently grilling me tooth and nail. He spends a terrific amount of time and energy keeping up the archives and numerous other favors. We all owe him a lot.
And consider Blayne. When he first joined the list he put me through the wringer like no one else. I am now honored to have earned his respect, but certainly not mindless devotion.
What often happens is that others tap into the same source that I do through the Oneness Principle. When this happens the answer one gives will be similar to the other so it sometimes sounds like they are collaborating, but such is not the case.
I can certainly see why many gurus, prophets, priests, kings etc just make it an understood rule that they are not to be questioned. It take's a lot of work to present new teachings and respond to objections and questions. This is not the easy route, but one I have chosen.
I know several of you get upset when I mention that I learned something before I heard JJ teach it. I'm trying to respect your feelings and bite my tongue, But maybe I shouldn't. Maybe it's part of YOUR "test" to hear somebody else say something that didn't come from your "earned authority".
I do not recall anyone posting such an e-mail being upset at you for making such comments. You are welcome to cease biting your tongue and say what you want as long as you are civil and honor the list rules.
They (the Masters) are supposed to be helping us. But instead we are taught that if we are not "useful" to them, they don't have the time of day for us.
DK tells us that the Masters just cannot snap their fingers and produce more time. When they are working with us they have to be efficient just as we do. Thus they wait until a person reaches a certain degree of development before they work with him.
They are not here to help us as it is that we are supposed to help them with the great Plan. In the end, we help each other.
The plan of God is inclusive nonetheless for each of us has his personal Solar Angel with which we can commune, not to mention the entities in the spirit world.
And now you are saying that they use deception as a motivator. What's next? Fear and hatred?
No one is saying this. Where do you get this idea?
I know that we have to face a world of contradiction and choices. We have to deal with uncertainly and conflicting information, but to suggest that those who are supposed to be teaching us are the source of this mis-information is beyond even my wild imagination.
It doesn't matter how wise or enlightened the teacher or how accurate the translation of the scriptures, words are merely symbols of ideas. Two people can read the same words and see two entirely different things. One may see contradictions while another may see unity.
No teacher of light goes out of his way to give us contradictions but whenever more than a few thousand words are given out a certain amount of interpretation and soul contact will be necessary to find the truth.
I had amnesia once, or twice.
Steven Wright
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved