2003-9-12 14:34:00
John C:
Perhaps at a later date we ought to take apart The Immortal like we are doing to AAB right now.
Actually, my writings have been critically examined by the list for almost five years now. This is the way it should be and open discussion will continue.
John C:
It sounds like something taken from a government regulations manual. I starting working my way through the AAB books in chronological order, but got bogged down on that book (Treatise on Cosmic Fire) . However, I'm starting over, reading it more slowly, and if I hit a word that I don't understand, I'm stopping and looking up the word before continuing. But, no wonder the Hierarchy makes so many mistakes. They are modeled after our federal government. Or maybe it is the other way around. :)
There is a big difference between a government manual and DK's writings.
You can read the government's text until the cows come home and still you do not have a clue.
When you study DK, pieces fall together and eventually you understand.
The government makes the simple complex. DK is truly explaining that which is complex to begin with.
How do you tell when you're out of invisible ink?
Steven Wright
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved