Master Dialog

2003-9-4 17:59:00

John C Writes:
I also thought that where a person was evolution-wise was between them and their soul.

DK has taught (and I have elaborated on the fact) that the true disciple will not broadcast his point in evolution. Interestingly enough, DK was an exception to this, but only after the fact that he was a Master was leaked out by accident.

A person's Master also knows his point in evolution.

Also, here is a principle.

The one of higher evolution can recognize one of equal or lower evolution, but the lower cannot discern with accuracy the higher.

John C:
JJ has pointed out a few well-known personalities (and I chose that term deliberately) and stated what their level of initiation was, and there was a lot of disagreement and argument from the group. This disunity is an indication, to me at least, that the subject shouldn't even have been brought up.

Certain amount of group conflict is desirable and inevitable being that I have a fourth ray mind. I am not alone in this fourth ray influence here. This conflict can cause members of the group to look in directions to which they were previously blind and lead some to harmony through conflict.

John C:
I'm really not getting something here. We are supposed to be focused on serving humanity and group service, so why all this talk about "special" people?

It is a good thing to analyze the achievers of humanity. The more we can understand them, the more we can also achieve and obtain power to serve.

John C:
And if JJ thinks Benjamin Creme has nothing to offer, why is he interested in Creme's opinion about the vital statistics of these people?

I never said he had nothing to offer, but even if I thought this way I would want to know what and how he thinks since we may be assisting a number of his students in the future. One must understand his opposition in order to neutralize it.

That said, Creme does have a considerable knowledge base and has had much more free time in his life to study than I have had. When he speaks on esoteric philosophy you can rest assured that the teachings are from a brain that has studied and reflected. All his teachings are not incorrect.

But the Biggie is, which is that the Christ would know his time is not fixed, yet have Creme lie to us and state a fixed time, not once, but several times - just to get our attention.

John C:
The lesson I learned long ago, and feel no need to repeat, is that while it is interesting to watch a dog fight, there is really no value in it.

I wouldn't compare the dialog Felix and I have had to a physical out of control dog fight. Some personalities may take offense at such a comparison.

A much more accurate comparison would be the dialog, written and vocal, that the Founding Fathers had in voicing their differences of opinion. That which has been preserved for history has provoked much thought and been very useful and enlightening. Without the shadows cast by differences there is no vision in this physical world.

I would also choose the word "dialog" here rather than "fight." Neither Felix nor I see this as a fight or an unfriendly confrontation. If I read him right, he would be happy to have a beer with me and play some pool if he were nearby.

If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
Steven Wright