2003-8-28 06:05:00
JJ Dewey also wrote, "CS: And would you also take responsibility for removing the one spark of hope that may one day transform the entire Middle East to democratic government?"
...It must be remembered that not all countries are the same - specifically, different countries have different soul rays and personality rays. Not all countries will work with American's brand of democracy and American's political system. This MUST be realized. With this realization it becomes evident that America is doing much harm when trying to force (especially by using force) another country to change it's infrastructure.
Freedom is an inherit need of the human spirit, no matter what ray people are on.
How do you impose freedom?
It cannot be done.
Instead freedom is achieved by the removal of the hindrances which prevent it. Instead of "imposing" freedom we removed the main hindrance (Saddam Hussein) and maintain troops to prevent another hindrance, or tyrant from surfacing.
This is the same process we used in Germany and Japan after World War II. I would venture you would have to search long and hard to find even one German or Japanese person who feels that freedom was "imposed" on them. Who would it be that is now imposing it? If something is imposed then force must be maintained to continue the force of imposing. It took about six years in Germany before the impediments of freedom were held back long enough so freedom could flourish. This is how the principle of freedom works. Hold back those who seek to control and let freedom take root.
The Soviet Union did the opposite in East Germany in that they did seek to impose their political system and because they did impose they had to build a wall just to keep the people in. Until the fall of the wall the people in the East were imposed upon. On the other hand, those in West Germany were in charge of their destiny with no imposing will from the United States government.
If we can hold back the forces of evil in Iraq for four years then freedom will take a root there that will have an effect that will benefit the world for over 1000 years. Even you in a future incarnation will look back on the historical record unable to imagine that you were one of the ones against a war that opened the doors of freedom to so many.
Obviously oppressors and tyrannical dictators must go, but should that be because America benefits more so from it? No. If America is not capitalizing on removing Saddam from power I could understand their motives to be more out of concern for the people, but America IS capitalizing ($$$) on the attacks and removal of Saddam.
As I illustrated in my last post, America is not making a profit from this war and never had the prospects of making a windfall from it. Any financial benefit would be a trickle down over a long period of time.
Can you give any evidence whatsoever to back up this claim of yours that the U.S. is garnering a financial bonanza from this war? I don't think so.
Since the war, the U.S. deficit has increased dramatically causing Bush's poll numbers to go down. If what you say is true then we should be gathering lots of money into our coffers causing his approval numbers to go up.
Also, I am not worried about nuclear weapons and I'll tell you why. It is because Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World, the Planetary Logos, gave out the knowledge of nuclear technology during World War two to the Forces of Light to defeat (push back) the Forces of Dark and if anything nuclear were to happen today He would step in if karma allows it. I repeat, if karma allows it.
DK said it was higher intelligence from The Lords of Liberation that inspired the minds of the Allied forces to create the bomb. The forces of light were forced into a situation where we had to get the bomb first because the Dark Brotherhood were working with the forces of evil to create the atomic bomb in order to give them world domination. We are told they came very close - closer than we realize. The Hierarchy could not just sit by and hope that this did not happen and so the higher lives worked to discourage German scientists and inspired Allied scientists.
If it were not for the imminent threat, the nuclear technology would not have been developed for some time.
Where you get the idea that Sanat Kumara will interfere with free will and prevent nuclear war I do not know, but I know it is wishful thinking. DK warned his readers numerous times, even after World War II, that the world is still in danger of destruction, that civilization could wipe itself out.
During World War II DK said: "In the last analysis, however, the world situation must be settled by humanity itself. The Hierarchy cannot interfere. Humanity has the privilege and the opportunity to take right action now."
To prevent calamity today they cannot take direct action, but can only work through the free will of people like you and me. If we do not do our part then chaos will be the result. There is about a 50/50 chance that a nuclear bomb will explode in a major city within ten years. It is up to humanity itself to prevent this. This is what karma will allow.
When you have a country like Israel, a country that was created wrongfully and unjustly - karma never forgets.
I am not sure what this has to do with your not worrying about a nuclear explosion.
One last point - from reading a lot of the archives, JJ Dewey's own American nationalism has stood out to me. (6th ray somewhere perhaps?) I don't know if other people are aware of this and if JJ Dewey is aware of it himself. It might be one of his last remaining glamours, which evidently makes it quite hard to dissipate.
You are misreading me here, my friend. The Sixth Ray has such low influence on me that true sixth ray people automatically sense something about me that bothers them and often either attack or avoid me. Perhaps you are seeing in me that which exists within yourself.
Of course, we must remember that the sixth, as with the other rays, is divine and is only evil when misused. The sixth ray is currently the easiest to misuse since it is going out of power.
If you look through the black and white vision of the typical zealous sixth ray then I may appear nationalistic when I seem to support my country.
However, a general support of your own interests, your family, your city, your state, your church, your organization, your football team, your country or the planet when one can see a harmless benefit has nothing to do with this negative separative nationalism of which you speak.
This type of nationalism of which you speak is "my country right or wrong" type of thinking. My thinking is that I will support whenever possible, especially when it is making a move which has a strong possibility of benefiting the whole planet. If my country is making a move which will be detrimental to the planet or its citizens then it will not have my support in that area. I support all people in all nations in aiding their country when it seems to be doing the right thing.
If you have read Project Peace and Good Will or the Principles of Unification (see link at the end of post) you will see works that could not have originated by a separative nationalistic mind.
The problem we have in the United States today is not fanatical nationalism, but we are in a cycle where the opposite is occurring. Instead of having a surplus of people who seek to support and build up the principles for which this country stands, as in World War II, we have a surplus of people who want to tear down the best that the United States has to offer. All in the false name of fighting those flag waving hypocrites. Well where are those flag waving hypocrites? They are few and far in between, but the extremists on the other side are coming out of the woodwork mindlessly seeking to destroy the good from the past which has been purchased by the blood of courageous and freedom loving souls. These mindless fanatics are the real last remnants of the fanatical aspect of the sixth ray in the free world.
Many Moslem nations on the other hand, do have a fanatical nationalism and will support their religion or country right or wrong. This is the real nationalism of concern in this age.
....what worries me is that the list is centered around one person with more weight in his posts than the so- called student. If JJ Dewey presents a point of view, more people will easily accept it than if it were someone else. This is my impression thus far from being on the list and from reading the archives.
I assume you have taken a class or attended school sometime in your past. Were you worried that the teacher's words were given a little more weight than the others, especially a teacher who knew his material?
Probably not. So why worry now?
As Larry said I have earned some respect over time, but I am not alone. A number of others here also carry considerable weight when they post because they have struck chords of truth in the hearts of others time and time again. This class is actually much more liberal than a physical classroom in the sharing of authority.
The world has barely begun to know the real ideal of democracy. What you call American democracy, I call a distortion of a divine principal. Real democracy is not at the mercy of market forces, which sadly, is what most people today interpret as democracy.
No one is saying that the U.S. or any other free nation has the ideal democracy, but they are much better than the alternative - tyrannies on the other side of the spectrum. Let us seek to stabilize the best governments of the planet so they do not deteriorate to tyranny while maintaining a vision of making things better.
Using the above quotes as my proof - if JJ believes that the nation of Israel was created justly and is divinely legitimate, then it's evident that he still has his flaws and is not in contact with the holy spirit nor completely working purely as a soul and therefore is very suspect to illusion, glamour and ignorance.
You're making a big leap in judgment here from assuming a position about me that I have not even revealed.
As far as legitimacy goes, it could be argued that there does not exist even one legitimate country on the planet for they all have won their power (either directly or indirectly) through war and bloodshed.
The anti-flag people seem to want to think that only the United States and Israel have been guilty of this in the past, but the establishment of borders through force has been a universal heritage which covers the entire planet. Hopefully it is a heritage that will end and be replaced by peaceful co-existence.
DK was correct when he stated that the establishment of Israel would create many problems and the best approach for the Jews of that time would have been to merge as a race with the various friendly nations. The Jews living in the United States, for instance, live in peace and plenty and suffer little or no persecution. They illustrate the truth of this statement.
That said there has been a lot of water under the bridge since that time. Just as the United States is now established and it is not realistic to give the country back to the native Indians, even so is Israel established and it is unrealistic to expect them to now give up their country and go merge with other nations. Israel must now be judged by their current populace, current leaders and current actions; not by the sins or virtues of previous generations.
Israel has had nuclear weapons for many years and has not used them nor threatened to use them. Israel could easily completely defeat and subject the Palestinians but has exercised restraint. Since Israel has been established they have generally attacked after they have first been attacked. Israel is the only major democracy in the Middle East, making it unlikely that a tyrant will surface.
Israel is not perfect, but so far they are not developing into the threat that concerned DK. You must remember that DK was accurate in only about half of his predictions. The future is malleable and difficult for even a Master to predict.
Israel, as well as other troubled spots, bear watching as the wrong leaders in command could create many problems, but they must be judged on what they are doing now - not on DK's statements of sixty years ago.
What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
Steven Wright
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved