2003-8-20 05:37:00
Chapter Five
Like the Nephites of Old
The Council of Fifty was to consist of as many as 53 members, and membership in the Church was not a qualification for being called into the Council. Joseph Smith had several non-members in it.
What was the purpose of the Council of Fifty? The purpose was to govern the dominions in the Kingdom of God in all areas of life allowing the individual maximum use of his agency. The number 53 is a composite of three other numbers: 49, 3, and 1. The number 49 is created out of seven sevens, signifying perfection and the end of spiritual evolution in this system. The Council of Forty-nine is composed of seven smaller councils which preside over seven different areas of human endeavor which include, but are not limited to, (1) politics and defense, (2) philosophy, (3) education, (4) the arts, (5) science, (6) religion, and (7) finance and business. The "three" may or may not be positions held by the presidency of the Church to preside over spiritual affairs.
The one is a position held by he who holds the keys of the priesthood or the key to the knowledge of God. This person may or may not be president of the Church. When the Kingdom is fully established, he generally will not be; however, Joseph Smith, through necessity, temporarily held both positions. This person would guide (not dictate to) the whole Kingdom and set in order the lower councils; yet he, himself, could be reproved by the councils, for every man is subject to error as well as checks and balances.
While it is true that God will not let the Kingdom of God fail, this is no guarantee for the success of the Church; for God can shift the Kingdom from people to people according to their worthiness. Each time there is a shift, the faithful few in the former organization become leaders in the next. For instance, the twelve apostles of Jesus were the faithful of the Jews and they became the leaders when the Gospel was given to the Gentiles. In our day, Joseph warned the church that God could pass them by "and bestow these blessings upon another people." (DHC 5:4271 If the Church cannot fail, then why did Joseph say this?
Why did the Lord say, "Beware of pride lest ye become as the Nephites of old"? (D&C 38:39) Are church members becoming as the Nephites of old? Are they full of pride? What did the Lord mean by this? To find out, let us see what happened to the Nephites.
The Nephites lived in peace and harmony for over 200 years - something we have not duplicated. We are told that there was not "any manner of ites; but they were in one, the children of Christ, and heirs to the Kingdom of God." (4 Nephi 17) Finally, "they had become exceedingly rich, because of their prosperity in Christ." (v.23) At this time, the people made their fatal mistake: "There began to be among them those who were lifted up in pride, such as the wearing of costly apparel, and all manner of fine pearls, and the fine things of the world. And from that time forth they did have their goods and their substance no more common among them." (verses 24-25)
Is the church following in their footsteps? Do the rich among them take pride in having more than his neighbor? Do they not boast of their fine homes and cars and their jewelry and their cabin in the hills? Do they not feel that they are more blessed of God because of their righteousness and hard work, and that if a man is poor, it is because he is lazy, or has not paid a full tithe, or is lessor than the rich in some way?
Have the Saints not ceased to even experiment with equality in the material world as the Nephites did? Is this not because members treasure the riches of this world more than the Kingdom of God? Is the church making any attempt to live the United Order today? Nay. The members shrink from it and hope that they will not live to see the day when they will be asked to sacrifice.
They forget that the purpose of the true United Order is not to make the rich poor, but to make all people rich and each man is to be equal in earthly things that he can also be equal in heavenly things; but the rich in their pride want to be above the poor, and even many of the poor want to be rich so they can be above their fellow men.
Today many make excuses for not living the foundation principles by saying that it is not practical in today's society - that they will not have to live it until the Prophet commands them to go back to Jackson County. These are words whispered into members' ears by the adversary to "lull us into carnal security" so we will not live the commandments, for the "tomorrow" (when all are supposed to live by that which was written) never comes to the unbelievers, whereas it is always "today" for the righteous.
It is indeed true that many early attempts to live the United Order failed. This was largely due to the "unrighteous dominion" of authority and the lack of free agency to the members of the orders.
It is obvious that God is not going to come down here and show us all the details that will make it work. What is needed is experimentation through free will participation. Then when orders are set up that actually create more wealth and freedom for the individuals as well as the whole, this should then be pursued.
Instead of doing many things of our own free will to bring to pass much Righteousness, the church has been burying its talent in the ground for over 100 years and waiting for some thunderbolt of a revelation before moving ahead. Alas the wait will be forever unless the church acts upon what it has already received.
The next thing that happened to the Nephite church was that "they began to be divided into classes." (v. 26) Some in the church may say that the doctor and the lawyer are in the same class as the janitor, but if you ask the janitor you will get a different view.
Next, "they began to build up churches unto themselves to get gain, and began to deny the true Church of Christ... there were many churches which professed to know the Christ, and yet they did deny the more parts of His gospel." (verses 26-27)
The Nephites built up churches "unto themselves." Is this happening among the LDS today? What does this mean? Basically, it means teaching the doctrines of men and to drift from the revelations of God to relying on the wisdom of men or the "arm of flesh." The authorities have put away the more precious parts of the gospel and now rely on the wisdom of men for guidance instead of revelation. The principle of revelation has been dropped from the church. No one has presented a new one for generations.
What does this leave us with? It leaves us with the doctrines of men and a church built toward the gain of the men involved.
How does one "build up churches unto themselves to get gain?" Does this mean to use religion to get money? It does, but this is not all. It also means to build up churches to get gain and praise from the world. When the world applauds the church for the beautiful buildings and temples and schools and engraven images, murals, the Olympics etc, while at the same time the cries of the humble in spirit who walk "in low places unnoticed" ascend up to the Lord of the Sabbath for spiritual deliverance, then we have the building up churches unto ourselves to get gain.
In the days of Brigham Young, tithing went into a "Common Fund." If a man was poor and wanted to start up a business, he could borrow from this fund and pay it back later when he was successful. Brigham Young planned on running the entire state of Deseret from the tithing money and he actually took steps to do away with all taxes so he could run the entire kingdom from the common fund. Wouldn't it have been wonderful if he could have succeeded? How would you like to have as your only tax today that of voluntary tithes and offerings?
However, if the church used more tithing money for the benefit of the members today, then they would receive less praise from the world, and besides it would be "inconvenient" for they are in need of large and spacious buildings and schools and parks, and apartment complexes, and insurance companies, and orchards, and sugar trusts and motels and on and on.
Where does all the tithing and donation money go? Not even the press can find it all out. What salaries do the general authorities receive? The salaries of our public servants are published; then why not church leaders? We are told that "it is not given that one man should possess that which is above another; wherefore the world lieth in sin." (D&C 49:20) Thus, all their salaries should be the same, yet they are not. As one progresses higher in position, he receives more pay. This is the practice of the world, but it should not be in the church.
Can you think of a more comfortable position financially than being an authority in the Church? You are guaranteed a substantial salary until you die. No discipline is necessary to pay tithing for it is already taken out of the paycheck, but not to worry for your income rises far enough above average so you will not miss it.
How can one without a financial care in the world have sufficient empathy to help those who are living from paycheck to paycheck?
Alas, the Assyrian (authorities) takes from the innocent and gathers from "all the earth; and there was none that moved the wing, or opened the mouth, or peeped." (Isa. 10:14) As prophesied, the lowly members do not raise a peep at any move taken by the authorities, just or unjust, for fear of their eternal soul.
The only one getting any blame in the church is the humble members at the bottom of the totem pole. But does the Lord blame the lowly member? Nay: "Therefore, ye shepherds, hear the word of the Lord; As I live saith the Lord God, surely because my flock became a prey, and my flock became meat to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, neither did my shepherds search my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock; Therefore, 0 ye shepherds, hear the word of the Lord; Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more; for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them". (Ezek 34:7-10)
This scripture applies to the shepherds today as much as any period in history except they repent. Why, 0 why, do people in every age think that they are somehow different from the past and that this time round they can trust their souls to the integrity of their leaders rather than in the hands of God through his Spirit?
"The more things change the more they remain the same" comes to mind.
The richer your friends, the more they will cost you.
Elizabeth Marbury
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved