2003-8-18 06:18:00
Glenys writes:
I wonder if you would have the time to comment on the polarity of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
I would imagine that Jesus would have had a strong positive charge to be a teacher but in relation to the Christ and His overshadowing of Jesus, would not Jesus need to have had a weaker positive charge? Is our charge relative?
If Jesus had a high positive charge, then Mary would have had a strong negative charge. Yet by all accounts after the Crucifixion, Mary became a church leader which I assume would have required an adjustment in the strength of that negative charge because she would have needed strong sending energies (if only to stand up to Peter!).
It is important to realize that the amount a person sends or receives is influenced by his charge, but not controlled by it. Think of your personal charge as the flow of a river. The higher the charge, the faster the flow. If you want to swim in the river it is much easier to swim downstream with the energy than upstream against the energy. However, if you are a strong person and there is a good reason to go upstream there is nothing stopping you. If you are strong you can swim upstream as quickly as a weak person can swim downstream.
We thus have some strong females on this list who are charged with energies that give them a natural desire to receive, but find themselves in situations where they have to give. Some have given so much they have gained in strength and can give when necessary better than many males. The opposite is also true. A male who is spiritually strong can receive when the situation warrants it.
BUT... no matter how much a highly charged female gives she still has an inner yearning to go with her natural energy and relax and receive. Jesus was probably a plus ten in charge, if for no other reason than to demonstrate mastery over the strong attraction to the female which is the spiritual downfall of so many male teachers. Because he was strongly attracted to Mary Magdalene (beyond the spiritual) she would have had a similar charge.
As far as the divine possession goes, such as that of Jesus and the Christ the natural charge has little to do with it. A person can be from plus ten to minus ten and experience an overshadowing of some degree. The only important thing to consider about the charge here is that the disciple must balance himself off in his various relationships so he can approach the zero point. When he is spiritually ready and approaches this point then he can be a vessel for a Master. The Master has learned to balance his energies through his molecular relationships and his mental body hovers near the zero point. Thus in the overshadowing you have one entity hovering near zero approaching another near the zero point. The sending and receiving is as if it were taking place in a clear still pool of living water.
I think you may have covered this before, but can a person's charge change after, say, an initiation, or if we use the example of AAB, when her association with the Tibetan started? Or could it be that as you say Masters have reached the point of balance, he had no affect on her polarity at all?
An initiation may change the amount a disciple will send or receive but will have no more effect on his natural energy than on his age. Just as our looks change slowly over time so does our charge. Our charge is not likely to change more than one point in one lifetime.
Actually, I'm curious about how an encounter - or ongoing encounters - with a higher spiritual entity would affect charges and how this, in turn, affects ashramic life.
The two must master their energies and bring them into balance through relationship (preferably molecular relationship). After such an encounter the highly polarized male will still find the opposing female very attractive and the gay male will have little attraction to her. In fact (as I said) many spiritual teachers have suffered a downfall because they backslide and let their energies dominate them. Achieving relative balance through molecular relationship will help prevent this.
I think you once said that people were more receptive (negative) in early life but as they started to serve in later life, their energies became sending. Is this dynamic over and above the polarities as you have discussed them in your last two posts? If not, and it is all inter-related, how does this 'mid-life' change affect couples who have been together for ages as, presumably, everything goes out of (relative) balance? Is this one of the reasons for mid-life divorces and separations?
The receiving in early life has more to do with necessity because the child starts out in life knowing nothing. Even so, many a young male receive very reluctantly because a large number of boys are in a strong sending energy. This is why so many more boys rebel, commit crimes and are more reluctant students than females.
The natural charge of the person stays about the same, but within a life one goes through cycles of sending and receiving - sometimes with the natural flow and sometimes against it.
One of the reasons that the understanding of the natural charge is so important is the seeker can more quickly establish balanced relationships and use his charge in his favor rather than swim upstream all the time.
Visualize a battery. It has two poles - one male and one female. If you try to get power from only one pole nothing will happen. You have to connect to both poles. But what happens if one pole has a different charge of energy? Then the stronger pole will also share that weakness. They must both be equal in charge to allow the full flow of electricity.
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.
Steven Wright
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