2003-8-17 03:29:00
John C Writes:
I find so much of this that sounds good in the theoretical sense, but I can't see how it applies in real-life situations, especially with me and with the people I know.
JJ wrote:
It is possible to be a receiver in the physical-astral, but a sender in the mental. Even so it is the inclination of all the bodies to follow the dominating charge.
Then why is the body necessarily the dominating charge?
JJ Response:
I did not say the physical body is the dominating charge because the physical body is not the dominating charge. The physical body we see has close to zero charge. It is the combination of the true physical body - (the etheric body), the astral body and the mental body all combined together that create the total charge.
You cannot look toward just one of these three to find the dominating charge. The astral body is the greatest influence, however.
John C:
I operate exterior to my body most of the time.
JJ Response:
If you truly operated outside of your bodies which have charge, you would have no desire to have a committed companion. Since you obviously have this desire then you do operate within your bodies the majority of the time and are affected by charge.
John C (First quoting me):
JJ: A male who is a 10 is highly charged as a male and has a very strong attraction to the female as well as a strong desire to send. On the other hand, the female who is a 10 is the opposite and strongly attracted to the male with an intense desire to receive. This female is usually very attractive. As a series of lives is completed the charge changes and the strong males and females head toward their opposing charge until, they are born in a life where they each have a charge of only 1 or -1. In this life the male will not be so masculine and sending and the female will not be so feminine and receiving.
If this is true, then how come these highly polarized men are always talking about what they can "get" out of a woman whom they expect to be "giving" and to "put out"?
JJ Response:
This has little to do with charge and much to do with the point in evolution of the male. I am a highly charged male and do not talk this way.
John C:
By your definition, at a low level of positive polarization, I should be some limp-wristed fop with a low sex drive. But, I feel a very strong sending energy. To put it in the highest terms most of you can readily understand: I am in my late 50's, but I have the sex drive of a teenager. However, I know how to control it.
JJ Response:
This is not my definition at all. Where did you get such an idea?
If you are a plus one in polarization this does by no means imply that you have a low sex drive. What determines your sex drive is the vitality of your etheric body and not your male/female charge. Your male/female charge determines your attraction to your polar opposite - in your case the female. Because your attraction to your polar opposite is low this indicates your charge is low. Let me repeat. This has nothing to do with your natural sex drive. Since energy follows thought and energy effects thought there are times that the sex drive can be effected by the charge, but this is not the rule.
John C:
In the higher bodies, I have a high desire to send spiritual energy. And, like I said, I am attracted to women as friends who have a high sending energy. I like to have an exchange of energy, not just a one-way flow.
JJ Response:
Most desire to share, no matter what their natural energy charge is. No matter what the charge, if one studies and learns then he will have the desire to share what he learns. His charge will effect how he shares. A person with a low charge will have a strong desire for a two way "exchange of energy, not just a one-way flow" as you just stated. Because I have a high male charge I do not feel this way and thus send much more than I receive in relationship to this list. I have to mentally check myself to make sure the energy flows both ways here. My wife is a great counterbalance also as well as people like you.
It is important that we not associate low with bad and high with good here. Neither is good or bad, but just are what they are and all charges offer opportunities in their time.
John C (First quoting me):
JJ: If the gay understands that this is a period of transition and he needs to make the best of an awkward situation much light can come and the transition will be much easier.
I disagree with your description of the "awkward" stage. I felt awkward until I came out. When I came out, I felt just like the ugly duckling who discovered that he was really a swan. I stopped feeling awkward and realized I had a very strong sending energy at every level in every body. I learned how to control it.
JJ Response:
You say you disagree with my use of the word "awkward" and then you confirm you went through an awkward period. This is exactly what I was referring to. You came out of the awkward situation I was referring to because you learned to accept your feelings about yourself and not be ashamed of them. However, all of us can achieve even greater balance and ease of communion with the Spirit by getting closer to the zero point in our focus.
All of us have short periods where our attention crosses over the zero point, but the advantage of balancing energies is that we can stay close to this point 24 hours a day which eventually leads to becoming a Master. None of us stays exactly at the zero point. If this were to happen the entity would disappear from existence in the three worlds and dwell in the formless worlds. Everyone you see with the physical eyes is some distance from this happening.
John C:
And not only that, if you read my article, I learned how to teach others how to make this same transition. Call it glamour if you want, but I think if a disciple is sincerely trying to serve his fellow man and who sincerely prays to God for help, and when an answer comes, the answer is not going to come from an unreliable source.
JJ Response:
This transition has to do with self acceptance and not with an energy charge. Self acceptance is generally a step in the right direction.
John C (First quoting me):
JJ: On the other hand, this transition period is also a time of great spiritual opportunity if the zero point is understood. When a person in relationship arrives at the zero point he then has no energies pulling him out of balance and is free to center his attention in the world of Spirit.
I centered my attention in the world of Spirit, but all that did was make me even "hornier to join with others" in the spiritual sense. I have an intense desire for unity on the spiritual level with every one I meet -- male or female, straight or gay. People pick up on this because they sense something going on. It scares the daylights out of most people. Thom picked up on it, understood it, accepted it, and responded in kind. I have to keep this under control as well because people just don't understand it. It's not the best solution, but I usually try to have a very small circle of friends and keep most people no closer than arms distance.
JJ Response:
I think most people on this list also have a strong desire to join with others in a spiritual sense.
As far as the physical horniness goes, one in true balance will see this from a spiritual angle and see it as an appetite like hunger. It is not good or bad but a desire that we direct toward fulfillment in a harmless manner.
I do not see you as disagreeing with me here.
John C (First quoting me):
Question: Suppose Stan and Lonnie learn about the teaching on energy and accept it. What should they do to reach the zero point as a unit? Do they have to split up or is there some way they can keep their relationship and obtain it?
OK, in my sphere as a couple I feel happy, contented, and well-balanced. If that sense, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
JJ Response:
As I said two gays with a combined charge which is near the zero point will feel relatively balanced.
Many heterosexuals who have a combined energy of plus or minus 3 or less will stay married for a lifetime in relative balance. Even so, the ideal of zero balance is the goal, not just getting close enough to be comfortable.
John C:
Yet I still yearn for more. I would love to be part of a larger group of people who are all soul-infused and with whom we all can inter-relate on a soul level.
JJ Response:
You thus verify what I say when you say "you yearn for more." That yearning is largely governed by the natural desire to balance energy and bring in greater spiritual flow.
John C:
But, why would any couple want to join with a molecule if its energy was already zero balanced?
JJ Response:
No couple is at zero balance. Some are close, but all forms are created by being out of balance (including married heteros) and seeking greater balance. Every couple desires greater balance. The molecule will supply this and bring in greater spiritual flow because a larger number of individuals are involved.
John C:
What would be the attraction?
The attraction is greater balance and greater spiritual flow creating a vehicle for greater life of which the individual can be a part.
John C:
I would think that to continue your analogy about evolution that even the total energy of a molecule would not reach a perfect balance, otherwise the molecule would cease to exist.
This is true. But the molecule will bring all individuals closer to the zero point. Later, greater molecules and cells will be created that will bring us closer yet to the zero point.
The true zero point will not be reached by all until the end of the universe.
John C:
That could explain why molecules would want to synthesize into something even greater. Wouldn't balancing of energy play into this as well? In short, according to your theory, wouldn't the drive to balance energy be the whole driving force behind evolution? Why would it stop at just the level of couples?
You are correct.
John C:
But, in the ultimate sense (and we are nowhere near that) polarity of energy exists only because of separation, and since in the ultimate sense there is no separation, but only the illusion of separation, then in the ultimate sense energy itself is an illusion. Not in the world of form in which we find ourselves, but in the ultimate sense, the only way to totally balance energy is to totally become one, or to put it in other words, overcome separation.
Yes. This will be the ultimate outcome. But when we overcome separation we will then seek greater experience and through the principle of identification join with a greater existence where duality is again at play.
OK, so what's the speed of dark?
Steven Wright
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved