Applying Identification

2003-7-31 05:03:00

The Question:
Jack is socially awkward and admires Jim for his smooth approach with people. He wishes he could be more like him.

Louise didn't do well in school and never finished high school. A lot of people seem to think she is not very intelligent. She is fed up with this image and now wants to change and be seen as intelligent by others.

Tony has never had much money and is fed up and wants to change his financial situation to one of abundance.

How can these three use identification and fusion to accomplish their goals?

Thanks for your comments on these examples. To understand how these two principles can apply to these examples and ourselves on a practical basis perhaps it would be a good idea to go back to a book I read many years ago.

It was called Psycho-Cybernetics and was written by a plastic surgeon named Maxwell Maltz.

After practicing plastic surgery for a number of years, he noticed an interesting effect on many of his patients. An improvement made on their looks was followed by a positive change in their personality. A more pleasant face made then a more pleasant and outgoing person.

He then came to the conclusion that they real key to positive change was not so much physical change, but a change in the way we see ourselves. He thus wrote a very popular book on the idea that by changing the way we see ourselves we can change the way we interact with others and achieve much greater success in life.

He did not use the words identification and fusion, yet he taught the principles behind them.

In other words, many who have undesirable looks identify their inner self with the ugly outer and because of this identification they are afflicted with a negative personality.

When surgery is performed on these people and their looks improved then they re-identify with the new image and their personality followed becoming more pleasant. After a while they fuse with the new image and are permanently changed.

If you want a more pleasant personality like Jack, be seen as smarter like Louise or more prosperity like Tony, then one of the keys to accomplishing this is to meditate a couple times a day and identify yourself with that which you desire to be. If a person will do this then both an inward and outer change will follow. To insure success the person must keep this identification in his consciousness throughout the day. If he does, he will soon fuse with the new image and no more effort will be required. It will then seem as if he was always this new person.

When we see how these principles apply to standard living we can gain a clearer view of how we can apply them to higher spiritual aspiration. The seeker must obtain an image of his future spiritual self and then identify with it in the present. This will fuse the present with the future and speed the course of evolution.

As with most principles, a Trinity is at play here. In addition to identification and fusion, the third principle is "integration."

We know that fusion follows identification, but where does integration fit in? Is it first second or third place in the Triangle?

Explain how integration applies to us as we seek to take higher steps in personal and group evolution.

I went to a museum where they had all the heads and arms from the statues that are in all the other museums.
Steven Wright