2003-7-23 06:19:00
Jesus said, "ye are gods."
In the beginning we are told that we are made in the "image of God," or are reflections of God.
If this is so then we must indeed be careful where we place our attention for where we place our attention is where we will find our identity.
We are told there is a real part of ourselves and also an unreal which DK calls our "not self."
In this world we have identified with this "not self" to the extent that we believe ourselves to be this self, or the "ego" as defined in the Course in Miracles.
The fact that our Not Self (or our personality self - mind-emotions-body) seems so real only bears witness to the fact that unlimited powers of godliness lie within us and are so potent that it can make a Not Self seem like a Real Self.
Fortunately, most of us have not yet fused with the Not Self.
What is the difference between "identification" and "fusion" and what would happen if we fused with the Lower Self?
How do we move away from fusion with the "Not Self" and identify with the soul?
I have several hobbies I enjoy to the fullest. I have a large sea shell collection I keep scattered on all the beaches all over the world. Maybe you've seen it.
Steven Wright
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved