2003-7-15 06:21:00
The Question: Why is this and what is the significance of the circle and the point (monad) within it?
As we proceed up the seven planes I realized that each step up would be more difficult and cause the group to stretch their minds and imaginations. You have made admirable attempts to enter the realm of the intuition and seek to understand that which has never been clearly explained.
The fact that many of you are making this attempt has more value to your own progress than if all the mysteries of the planes were merely explained to you. For when they are explained a certain consciousness must be there to comprehend them.
There was truth and insight in each of your answers but because of the constraints of time I will merely add my insights.
The point represents the monad, the space within the circle represents the Adi, the divine plane. The circle itself represents consciousness within a ring-pass-not.
The circle, the space and the point are all interdependent. The point at the center must manifest before the existence of the circle and the space can be realized.
Now visualize going outside and looking up at the night sky. What do you see?
You see many points of light engulfed by space.
Now visualize yourself being lifted from the earth and traveling away from the sun. Eventually this too becomes a mere point.
See yourself moving further away. Now you see the billions of suns in the Milky Way Galaxy forming a spiral.
See yourself continuing to move away and soon this galaxy containing billions of suns becomes a mere point of light.
Once again move further away and you see clusters of galaxies and finally a universe of galaxies until even this universe of galaxies becomes a mere point surrounded by space having a circle of influence.
Within this point which is the universe is an even greater central point which is the monad of the universe itself, which reflects itself in a number known only to itself.
Again visualize yourself looking up at the sky focusing on a single star. This star has an originating monad which is surrounded by an innumerable company of monads which co-create its entire solar system.
As you look at this star you must realize you are not seeing the monad, but only its reflection upon the physical plane, the lowest of seven.
To find the monad you must look through the veils of existence to the astral, then the mental, then the buddhic, then the atmic and finally to the point that is the emanating center.
The highest two planes exist as the circle and the point and exist as one, but also two, and then three if you count the space.
The key then to understanding is found in merely staring at the night sky.
The star is a symbol of the plane of the monad and the depths of space is the symbol of the divine plane. From the point and the space surrounding it, all things emanate.
Space is not composed of nothing but it is the primeval matter from which all things come. All points originate in space, but it is not space as we know it until the point appears.
H. P. Blavatsky said that space is an entity. We can go a step further and say that this entity is one life for there is only one space.
Now to add to this mystery we are told that all these seven planes which we have discussed compose one greater plane which is called the Cosmic Physical. Above the Cosmic Physical is the Cosmic Astral, Cosmic Mental etc.
Now the mystery is this.
If all of the seven planes of our existence are only components of one of the seven planes of a greater existence - where are these six greater planes?
Where would one look to find the Cosmic Astral?
A lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me, I'm afraid of widths. --Steven Wright
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved