2003-7-12 02:50:00
There are two posts of late that I am going to post again here so they will be included in the archives.
The first is a prayer I gave at the Texas gathering that I cannot seem to find in my records. Thanks to Catherine for retrieving it.
The second is a post by Glenys about Magellan's Ships and our Ring-Pass-Not. This brought up an interesting truth about consciousness and perception.
Catherine Writes:
I was listening to the disk of last years gathering while trying to figure out the new Microsoft Works for editing (got it-portfolio can grab them all-hint hint to Chrissie)I listened to the most wonderful prayer (invocation) that JJ recited to the group in which they also followed. I thought it would be beautiful to type it up for the group as their seems to be some writings in which others are feeling negativity. After repeating the prayer myself, a truly peaceful feeling washed over me and at once I felt assured and calm. Hope you all love it as much as I did.
Our Father Mother God
Holy be thy name
Let your presence be here upon the earth as it is heaven
Let our presence be in heaven as it is upon the earth
May your spirit be one with our spirits
And we call upon you with great faith
And send forth love to all mankind
And we know that by the power of faith, the innocent are protected
And we send this power to all of our loved ones
That they will be protected from harm
That their spirits will be elevated
For the love of God will surface in their hearts
That they will sense a fullness of joy on the horizon
That we may all be comforted, in one
Through the One Spirit.
We said this prayer as a group because several had worries about the well-being and safety of loved ones.
Glenys's Post:
Magellan's Ships and our Ring-Pass-Not
When I was about 20 studying anthropology at university, a lecturer told a story about Magellan's trip around the world in 1519. Apparently, Magellan's fleet of high-sailed ships would sail into the bays of primitive islands and the natives would be extremely fearful upon seeing the great vessels which were far greater than anything they could conceive of building. It would take some time for them to get used to both the ships and strange men but eventually, they would lose their fear and accept what their eyes showed them.
But on one occasion, the fleet pulled into a bay (if fleets can 'pull in') and to the surprise of all the explorers, the natives took no notice of them whatsoever. They simply went about their normal activities as it the fleet wasn't there. It wasn't until the crew got into smaller boats and came in closer that the natives reacted - and with even greater terror than their neighbors. They ran screaming into the island's interior and it took weeks and numerous search parties to find them and reassure them that they were safe. But here's the crux of the story. When the crew finally calmed them and learnt enough of their language to communicate with them they found that these particular people didn't react to the boats because they couldn't actually see them! The ships were so far beyond their consciousness that they were literally blind to them.
This true story made a big impression on me and I have spent the rest of my life straining to see what is just beyond my consciousness as I know there is so much yet to see.
In esoteric language, this is referred to as 'ring pass not' which is like the outer perimeter of our consciousness, the boundary which we cannot pass unless we extend it.
All that is is ever present. As we grow in consciousness/awareness and develop our skills of perception we are able to take in more and more of all that Life has to offer. The only difference between us and the natives who saw - or didn't see - Magellan's ships is that we know we have nothing to fear and every extension of our vision brings us closer to the source of All so that in time, we shall see Him because we are like Him.
I have a map of the United States that's actual size. It says "1 mile = 1 mile." When people ask me where I live, I say "E5." Steven Wright
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved