2003-7-8 06:29:00
Tom asks if Edgar Cayce was a conscious channeler. The answer is no. He went into a deep trance state when receiving information.
Then he asks how accurate he was. I would guess about 75% overall.
Tom then asks if Cayce had soul contact. He probably did to a degree, but to judge him correctly one would have to examine his highest wisdom written while in full consciousness. I do not have any knowledge of Cayce's past lives and have no desire to pursue it.
If we have free will then can we use the free will to stop another person from hurting us?
Yes, but there is often more than one choice in how an attack is to be handled and the wise will choose the more harmless one. Any action generates some karma. The disciple learns through the soul how to minimize negativity until he becomes harmless and generates no negative karma. Then he learns to avoid or neutralize those who would do him harm.
What gives the right for another to use free will to take another's free will by hurting them, making them a slave or even killing them if the person being hurt had good karma?
Because we have free will we can make any choice we want within our ring-pass-not including hurting others and taking away free will. Those you hurt will often be suffering the results of past actions, but this does not justify attack.
Jesus said: "Offenses must needs come, but woe to him by whom they come."
In other words there are many with negative karma who will suffer offenses, but even though the guy is suffering payback the person dishing out the offense is only creating trouble for himself.
OK if one does becomes a master does this mean the master will have to know it all; know all of JJ writings, DK writings the bible the works?
As I said, the data is not that important. The principles behind the data is the important thing. In many respects a Master does not have to know that much by our standards, but he does have access to all principles through the Oneness Principle.
When one learns a principle he has learned it forever and will retrieve it in his future lives when needed.
I have to know how much of relativity is a TRUE teaching? 0% 50% 90% or whatever number it is?
I would say it is 80-90%. By all appearances it would seem Einstein is 100% correct, but I am convinced that some of the appearances are created by illusion which will one day be discovered.
I believe the Twin who takes a space flight a long distance away and then returns will not age exactly as Einstein predicted.
I thought JJ said communications with deva's are a closely guarded secret.
I said the secrets of contacting the more powerful ones is guarded. All of us have some type of contact with lesser deva lives on a daily basis.
When I die, I'm leaving my body to science fiction. --Steven Wright
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved