2003-7-4 18:15:00
The ideal for this list would be peace and harmony always, but such is not the reality. We each have imperfections, personality and Ray differences which cause friction now and again.
I have often taught that the best way to deal with these differences is not suppression or denial, but in honest communication in as harmless mode as possible.
I think most of us agree that Rob went over the top in expressing his feelings to John, but we must also take into consideration that he has been on the list from the beginning and this is his first such outburst that I recall. Obviously he was strongly effected by several things that John said.
We do not usually consider placing an older member on moderation status unless he or she generates a number of complaints with several offending posts on his part.
I believe that Susan is on vacation and perhaps when she returns she can relate the advice of the complaint committee. I generally try to stay out of handling grievances unless absolutely necessary.
I have known Rob and communicated with him on the Internet for several years before the list began and 99% of the time he is quite mental and reasonable. But there were a couple times he let me have both barrels the way he did John. This did not affect our friendship because I realized that he had a need to express his feelings and also his words gave me pause to reflect and improve myself so I could communicate with greater harmlessness in the future.
From the reaction I see from the group I would think that both Rob and John could both benefit from reflecting on the principle of harmlessness and how their words (subtle or overt) effect others.
John, I notice you have been quiet the past couple days. I want you to know that your posts are welcome and appreciated and encourage your continued participation.
And speaking of John he writes:
Could we say that another word for "synthesis" is "gathering", as in "gathering all things into one"?
The two meanings are very close. The gathering is a very synthetic work, but full synthesis takes it a step further. After the diverse people are gathered the principle of synthesis harmonizes them into a working whole.
In the beginning of America many people were gathered, but it took the Founding Fathers and the Constitution to synthesize them into one united group.
Who was that "masked man"? I suspect we'll find out in a future Immortal book.
Interesting seed thought John.
I loved the invocation about the Avatar of Synthesis. Looks like each part of the Triad of Light, Love, and Power has its own sub-triad. In this case: Will, Power, and Purpose.
Actually the Avatar of Synthesis is on Ray One which is the Power Ray. It's sub aspects are Will Power and Purpose.
To say: "Let Will and Power and Purpose manifest the Christ on earth." Is to say (among other things) "Let the way be cleared for the Avatar of Synthesis to do his part in finishing preparations for the return of Christ."
Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly. --Robert F. Kennedy
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved