2003-6-19 05:30:00
My Friends,
We are leaving to the gathering in a couple hours. We look forward to seeing some of you in the flesh. If time and circumstances permit I will post a few things, but not making any promises.
The group is stretching is attempting to comprehend what could be above the intuitive plane, but this is a good thing. It is important that all of us realize we have a long way to go.
There is none more pitied by the Gods than the large ego who sees himself as at the end of his evolution when, in reality, he is a mere babe in the woods.
Here are a couple more seed thoughts to ponder in understanding the atmic plane.
Contemplate this plane from the principle of the Law of Correspondences.
The Intuitional plane is a higher correspondent of the emotional plane. This means the Atmic is a higher octave of the mental which in turn is a higher wave of the physical/etheric.
Consider that creation is closely linked to the mental and the physical planes. How then would the atmic be linked to creation in even a higher principle than is the mental plane?
Striving for Excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing. --Dr. Harriet Braiker
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved