2003-6-17 06:26:00
The Question: What is the difference between seeing light as separate from ourselves and becoming light and seeing with that light?
Again the group has given great answers on this. I am impressed by the intelligence of our new members - among them are Joel, Ron, Gail, Chrissie, Paula, Yuniseeo, Bink, Catherine, Solomon and several others I probably missed.
Here are a few quotes from the group that impressed me:
If I become the light of the world, then I see with the light of the world.
If I can see with the light of the inner kingdom, then I can see the light of that kingdom radiating out of all things.
The source of the One is in all things - its light is recognized by its light.
The shadow man recognizes shadows, the man of light recognizes light. Light knows itself as light and recognizes itself in all things.
The light (he saw after reading) was getting so bright that there was a moment of fear, thinking, anything this bright would burn me to a crisp. But as the light got even brighter still, it passed right through me, like some kind of X-ray. Observing the light, I realized it wasn't so much going through me, as I was really made out of this same light. When I knew the light and I were one, a whole world of knowledge opened up. At that moment I felt I could easily answer any question that could be posed, but I didn't ask a single question, because being the light brought on something even better than knowledge. I received a joy, so great that I felt my feet didn't touch the ground for days after.
Glenys writes:
The analogy of the lighthouse suggests the light we are seeking is high and distant and as we pursue it, it seems to be separate from us. But as we get closer, the light not only envelops us but we find (to our surprise sometimes), that it is coming from us, that there was never a time when it was outside us and it was just our false perceptions that made us believe it was something separate from us. We know that there is light in every part of our being, and that light makes contact with and ultimately blends and fuses with the soul light that is also part of us.
Then, as if that's not miraculous enough, we see that all creation has the same light and that light makes us one at such a fundamental level that we know that anything that appears to separate us is an illusion.
Once we see become one with this light of God, we can say like Christ, 'I am the light of the world'.
I think that by becoming the light and seeing with it, we are able to see beyond the veil in ways we never thought possible. By seeing with the light, we see much more than meets our physical eyes.
By seeing light as separate from ourselves, all we see is a 'whiteout'. We're unaware of the world within the light. We're unaware that we are apart of that world. That it's all around us all of the time.
How do we become the light? To connect to a long forgotten memory of who we are and what our purpose is. To see with that light we would see the light in others and realize that we are all part of a greater entity. Taking the steps necessary with our brothers re-member with God.
John C:
The light is in us; it is not separate from us. We don't "become" light, but we can become more aware that the light is in us. If we learn how to look within, we are learning how to see with that light.
It's hard to add to these astute observations, but I'll make an effort here.
First I'll note that John C is correct in saying the true light is not separate from ourselves and I did not mean to imply that it is. It is technically true that we do not become light if the light is already a part of ourselves. But to the vision of the lower self it does seem that the true light is a separate thing that we reach out for. In a sense we eventually become one with a light that is already one with us. Yet, since our consciousness is separated from the true light there is indeed a real; separation of sorts. What else is there but consciousness and if consciousness sees itself as separate from a thing then this separation seems very real.
Then from the viewpoint of the lower self a goal must be set to become one with the light. After much trial and error we finally discover that "The light we are searching FOR, is the light we are searching WITH." (Quoted by John C)
The main difference between the true light and the shadow light is the latter is not seen. Only effects of contrast and shadows are seen. When one realizes a oneness with the true light he is no longer dependent upon shadows for vision. Instead he becomes the light of the world and embraces the world with light. In doing so he sees with this embracing light, but in seeing he sees much more than shadow objects. Instead of seeing in the "land of distances," he sees from the point of unity.
What does he see that is beyond the vision of the normal eyes?
He sees principles, the language of the soul, the language of light and a kaleidoscope of wonderful ideas begins to precipitate upon him.
John asks:
I have a question about true color, then. Sometimes, when I relax and close my eyes, and get into a certain meditative state, which I will not go into the details of now, I see things very vividly, but it's like looking at a black and white photograph. There are only two colors, but the colors and pink and blue. I don't know what shade of blue. I wouldn't know indigo if I saw it. But I was wondering if there was any significance to seeing things in only these two colors.
This would indicate that your consciousness focuses on these two colors and the meaning behind them almost to the exclusion of the other colors. Pink and blue is an odd combination. Pink is the color of romantic or emotionally sensitive love and feeling; whereas blue represents mind, thought, logic etc. You are a thinker who is logical, but place equal attention on your sensitive side. I would say the fact that the other colors are lacking is a message to also place attention on other parts of your nature. I cannot tell you where to start. You must sense it and follow your soul.
Hint of that which is above the intuitive plane. Look up Atmic plane in DK's writings.
Knowledge is knowing as little as possible. --Charles Bukowski
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved