2003-6-15 06:37:00
The Question: Question: Why do we see the sun as yellow when it is really blue?
Readers have taken two lines of approach in the answer here.
The first idea is that the yellow we see as the color of the sun only represents the outer shell and the inner part of the sun is blue.
The second idea is that in this world we see many things as upside down from the true reality. Therefore, the colors we see are not the real colors but opposing colors on the opposite end of the spectrum.
These are both intelligent guesses and since DK did not explain why we do not see the correct color of the Sun, there may indeed be truth in these two conclusions.
Now let me add my thoughts.
First, let me clarify the correct color as mentioned by DK. In some places he says the sun is blue and others indigo. One may wonder if he is consistent here until you discover a clarification where he more fully describes the color as a dark blue, which may also be called indigo.
The Key to understanding here is that our Sun is a part of a greater body of seven solar systems. Each of these seven Suns represents one of the seven Rays. Our sun vibrates to the Second Ray of Love Wisdom and the color of this ray is indigo, or dark blue. DK tells us that the "Solar Logos is spoken of as the Blue Logos (literally indigo), so the colour of the perfected man, and of the auric envelope through which he manifests, will be predominantly blue."
To see the true color of the sun one would have to look through the eyes of the Logos who is over the seven solar systems with all the seven solar rays merged and blended.
To understand why our color vision is distorted one could put on dark blue sunglasses and look at the surrounding world. Every color now looks much differently than it does without sunglasses.
This is what happens to the inhabitants of this solar system because it is built upon Ray Two of dark blue/indigo. We thus see through a glass darkly (as someone noted). As the disciple becomes one with the soul and the spirit/monad the dark glass begins to clarify and color becomes brighter and more true.
As it is, we see again the shadow principle affecting us. The indigo color of the founding ray acts like blue sunglasses and shades out (shadows) the true color of the sun. Thus the shadow principle causes us to see the sun as yellow rather than blue. We are so immersed in blue/indigo that we do not see it, except as a lighter reflection in our blue sky.
If you're going to tell the people the truth, make them laugh, or they'll kill you. --Billy Wilder
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved