2003-6-4 06:29:00
The question:
Many decisions do not require intuitive thought. Some decisions may benefit from the intuition and others may not.
Since decision is the key to polarization but not all decisions can be based on intuition, then how does the intuition govern decision-making in the life of the intuitive?
Thank you again for your comments on this question and the intuition in general. Let me add this.
To explain the answer perhaps it would be best to introduce a new principle that we shall call the "Principle of Domination." It could be expressed this way as far as consciousness goes.
That consciousness wherein lies the major focus of attention (polarization) will dominate decision-making. If the lower dominates the higher, then creation comes to an end and dissolution comes into play. The dominating force seeks to control all. When the higher dominates the lower (which is its destiny to do), creation begins anew and force is only used when all that is lower fails.
The key phrase here is "force is only used when all that is lower fails."
When the mental dominates, it will allow the emotions to have their way until common sense dictates that the entity is making an error. When this occurs the mind will assume control and dominate by force of will.
But for the emotionally polarized the situation is different. As soon as the emotions detect the emergence of higher mind and logic, they will do all in their power to dominate in every situation and dominate every decision whether it makes sense or not.
If the intuition dominates the mind as well as the emotions, then the intuitive self will allow mind to make any decision it wants that is in harmony with that which is perceived intuitively. In turn, the mind will allow emotion to have its way as long as logic is not violated. Again, emotion will acquiesce to instinct as long as it feels right.
The only time the intuitive self assumes control is when the lower bodies begin to pull self in a direction contrary to that which the intuition sees. If all is going well it would seem that the intuition is not in control, for the mind and feelings seem to be making most of the decisions. It is only when a wrong direction is felt or thought that they learn who is really in charge.
Thus we see that all the parts of ourselves still influence the decision-making process for decision is always acquiesced to the level where the decision is most appropriate.
Example: Bob meets Carol. He finds her beautiful and instinct says 'yes. Pursue her.'
Emotion says: "Let's get to know her a while to see if I approve."
Bob takes Carol on a couple dates and emotion begins to fall in love and heartily approves of instinct.
Mind then enters in and says: "She may be good looking and we are attracted to her, but does the relationship make sense?" Mind then studies Carol and the potential relationship and sees a number of problems. A number of their core values and interests are different. Mind then pulls the plug.
Instinct and emotion are very upset.
But the intuitional self is assessing the situation and it perceives that despite the differences that Carol would be an asset to Bob in accomplishing his life's mission. Intuition then overrides the mind and makes the decision to pursue the relationship.
Of course, this scenario can only take place when consciousness is dominated by intuition. Over 90% of humanity is dominated by emotion so this decision-making process normally does not even reach the stage of mind.
The second part of the question was:
Can you give an example of a time that intuition helped you make a decision?
I thought Mary Ellen gave a good example of an intuitional conclusion.
She basically tells us that those in the West seem to have greater spiritual values than those in the Eastern States because those in the West are descended from the pioneers who came West in search for a better life. Of course, there are good people everywhere, but she deserves credit for touching on the intuition because she touches on a principle.
What is that?
It is the Gathering Principle.
Periodically in earth's history, the lights are gathered through a desire to seek a better life. When this occurs the benefits will last for several generations.
Give one or more characteristics that apply to the intuitional self, but do not apply to the emotional or mental selves.
Trinity: You told me to never get on the freeway. You said it was suicide. Morpheous: Then let us hope that I was wrong. Matrix Reloaded
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved