Stretching Ourselves

2003-6-3 06:33:00

How can I resist answering questions from a new poster?

Gail writes:
JJ, Please answer the following questions regarding your post on intuition. ~~~~Intuition is not a gut feeling. Please define gut feeling. Is this animal instinct or psychism or what??

Gut feelings come from several sources. The first is the instinctual nature. Instinct came into play in the first part of our evolution as human beings as a carry-over from the animal kingdom. Instinct is very closely associated with survival and is used by primitive humans to escape danger, to find food and water and establish customs for tribal unity.

As each of us progressed from instinctual polarization to the emotional, instinctive powers became dormant, or went below the threshold of consciousness. This does not mean we have lost this ability, but it does mean that we put it on the shelf so we have greater power of attention to concentrate on our next level of progression. Instead of being lost, it does mean that it lies latent within each one of us and may be recovered by the soul to aid us in various situations.

Each of us may, in times of tension within our lives, experience this instinct that is often called a "gut feeling." It is not infallible by any means, as this ability is associated with an ancient time and circumstance for most of us, but it is accurate enough that we should pay attention to it and compare it with any higher feelings and reasoning we have.

Many who receive an instinct or gut feeling misname it intuition but esoterically, instinct and intuition are very different from each other.

"What then is the intuition? Intuition is a higher octave of the emotional self"
What does this mean?

We have three vehicles of expression in the worlds of form. They are the physical/etheric, the astral/emotional and the mental/thought. Then there are four higher beyond form as we understand the term.

I often compare each of these worlds to a musical octave. In music when you move up an octave you play the same note again, but it is not the same. It has a similar resonance, but a higher vibration. Each of the worlds has seven sublevels corresponding to the seven major musical notes or the seven colors of the rainbows - or the seven creative rays.

As we progress through the three worlds we move up an octave from the instinct of the etheric/physical to psychic ability of the emotional to the logic of the mind, and finally to the intuition of the buddhic plane.

Just as Middle C does not become useless when you move up the scale, even so do all the abilities have their purpose and use.

"It receives in the language of the soul."
Please define and elucidate on language of the soul.

Here are some quotes from my previous writings.

I believe that someone mentioned that the language of the Soul deals with principles. This is a good way to see it.

Think on this: It takes a thousand facts to reveal one principle, but one principle can reveal thousands of facts. If we see this as being true then we can understand that when the soul speaks to us that there will be times when a whole book can be communicated almost instantly.

Before effective soul contact can be reached, the seeker must have a clear understanding of the difference between facts and principles and seek the understanding of Principles.

From the beginning of this list, my main goal has been to lead some of you into the true world of the soul so many can learn to verify information through the soul by using correct principles. A great leap forward in this process is to not be deceived by a multitude of facts and data, but to learn that the Spirit within can and does verify principles and principles behind various packages of knowledge.

Let us use an example of a principle taught in the Immortal book. "I AM BECOMING that which I DECIDE to BECOME.

When many of you contrasted this principle with the idea of a static, never-changing condition for all eternity, the idea of eternal progression just struck a chord within your soul. The reason this principle felt so good is because principles are dealing with the language of the soul, and from and through the soul we can receive a true communication. The good part is that as we progress from confirmation to confirmation our sensitivity to this communication becomes more and more reliable until the seeker can bring down principles from on high for himself and others.

But as far as regular knowledge that is available in the world through books and teachers are concerned, the best way to acquire it is from without. A good teacher is invaluable and so is a good book written by a teacher. One thing our experiment on the number demonstrates quite clearly is that it is much easier and faster for me to just "teach" you the mystery number than to let you stumble along trying to find it within yourself.

All souls are one and when we all speak the language of the soul together we will see as one body. But even those who do their best to retain soul contact, can question and disagree because of incomplete communications.

If my soul verifies a truth and yours does too then we see eye to eye with no decree from outside of ourselves. This is the way it should be. When we arrive at this answer a light will be thrown on the souls of many and they will see the truth of the principle. Remember the language of the soul is principles. To the soul a principle is like a word is to us.

The Course in Miracles makes this profound statement. "The truth is true and nothing else is true." In other words 2+2=4 and nothing else is true. This principle applies to all truth with no exceptions. No exceptions to this principle have ever been presented or will ever be presented for it is impossible to make that which is not true into truth. That which is not true can have the illusion of truth, but that is all.

There is no such thing as relative truth, higher truth, lower truth or ultimate truth. All truth is merely what it is at the present moment in time and space. Some truth may be in the process of unfolding and from this point of view one may say he is seeing "higher truth." That which is higher than truth is principles which are the language of the soul.

Keep in mind that my main purpose as a teacher is not to give data on or about various entities involved in the Plan, but to teach principles. Principles are the language of the soul and when this language is learned, deception will be a rare occurrence and the sons of men who are the sons of God can proceed in oneness of heart and spirit.

~~~~"The intuitive will put all known facts together and contemplate. His consciousness will penetrate higher worlds through the soul and a principle will come into his mind."
When an inventor gets info in a dream or meditation, we call this intuition. When an entire blueprint is seen, this is specific data rather than a principle. Are you suggesting only principles are intuited, or did you simply not list all other types of info.

It may be misleading to say only principles are intuited. It would be more accurate to say that all intuition involves the use of principles in some way. Since principles are the language of the soul then this language must be involved in some way if the higher communications is to be brought down to the physical brain.

The beginning of intuition is in the in the use of ideas. Every idea does not present a principle in its fullness, but every good idea touches upon a principle and makes use of it.

Edison, for example, received the idea of the light bulb through intuition. The idea itself was not a single principle, but its creation involved the use of a number of principles. His mind this went beyond the words of form to bring down the practical idea of a new form.

Sooner or later you're going to realize, just as I did, there's a difference between knowing the path...and walking it. Morpheus - the Matrix

Tue Jun 3, 2003
Stretching Ourselves

I liked Paula's comments on the recent topic.

1st off, let me say that I have gone from thinking I knew what intuition was, to being totally confused, to now wondering if I have extremely accurate instincts (or gut feelings). It hasn't changed the way I function, but I am starting to think that I don't get intuition on a "mental" level. That said, how does intuition govern decision-making in the life of the intuitive? Lordy, I have no idea. I'm starting to wonder if my entire life has been based off of decisions made by some primordial past....

Your honestly here is refreshing and amusing (in a good way). If the discussion here can awaken us to a realization of what we do not know and that which is yet unrealized then we have the beginning of new knowledge and an additional step on the Path. Sometimes our notions have to be destroyed before greater truth can enter in.

As I said, the trouble with DK and other teachers using the word "intuition" in teaching esoteric writings is that many a reader will go by the common meaning of the term. According to the common meaning, just about all have used intuition at one time or another. But in the context that DK uses it, only a handful has a grasp of it and a very small handful are polarized in the intuition.

As I said, the first step in entering the intuitive consciousness is in exploring the world of ideas. This corresponds somewhat to DK's comments on illumination. The more illuminated is the mind by the soul the greater the power to bring down inspired ideas.

Does the average seeker touch intuitive consciousness at all or is it just beyond his grasp?

There is much about the intuitive consciousness that is beyond the current reach of the average seeker. Even though this is so, it is good for all of us to have the carrot of the next few steps dangling before us to contemplate. This stimulates us and helps us progress faster.

Even though much is beyond the current experience of aspirants many have also gotten their big toes wet with their intuition.

This happens first with the world of ideas.

Are all ideas then from intuitive consciousness?

No. Some of what is called ideas is from deductive reasoning. Some people merely put two and two together and call it an idea. Instead this would technically be a deduction.

A true intuitive idea is one that comes, almost in a flash of light, that is sensed by the individual as being something beyond the ability of the reasoning mind to automatically produce from available facts.

So how have those on this list used the intuition?

Actually, the most common way to begin the development of intuitive consciousness is through writing, just as we are doing on the list.

How many times have you read of some inspired idea or concept put into writing by a student on this list and it just seemed to speak to you? You might think something like Rick, or Susan, or Keith, or Mindy, or John or some new guy just seemed extra inspired today. There is a good chance that he tapped into the intuition.

Poetry and song writing is another creative avenue that stimulates intuition. Actually, any creative endeavor that allows the seeker to manifest the "new" and the good and the beautiful is great training ground for the development of true intuition.

There is, however, some distance to go before one becomes polarized in intuitive consciousness. In order to do this one must understand the language of the soul which is based upon principles and not words. The intuitive will always look for the principle behind all things.

More soon...

We have survived by hiding from running from them. But they are the gatekeepers. They are guarding all the doors, they are holding all the keys, and that means that sooner or later, someone is going to have to fight them. Morpheus - The Matrix