2003-5-30 06:24:00
Tom writes:
"Elvis became famous and influenced the Beatles, Ozzy, rock & roll, pop, metal, and punk music.
"Was it really the right thing to help Elvis along when many future people of rock and roll who came under his influence made other forms of rock, pop, metal, hip hop, punk -- and we know that some punk music have songs of hate. And people have committed suicide due to such music. Rock music sometimes has bad language in it."
The fact that Elvis represented the midway point does not mean that he was a saint or that all who followed him or are influenced by him represent any kind of perfection.
Jesus represented a midway point of a much greater cycle. Shall we say that he was a bad guy because of wars, crusades and cults that were said to be inspired by his name?
Each of us is responsible for our own actions and each of us can be influenced positively or negatively by either a saint or a sinner.
For instance, because of certain bad examples set for me as a kid, I made a determination to not be like the bad example. Then certain good examples inspired me to be good also.
If you look at the music, politics, attitudes, art, entertainment, books, education, etc., before Elvis you will note that it was governed by a conservative cycle. Then if you examine the same categories after Elvis you will note an increasing liberal cycle.
Here is the interesting point:
Now the liberal cycle has come to an end we can look back on the music before Elvis and then after Elvis -- and what do we see? When we look at both time periods, how then would we judge Elvis? The person living in the present would see Elvis not as an extreme liberal as did the older people in the 1950's, but neither would he see him as ultra conservative. When both cycles are taken into consideration, Elvis is indeed seen as being in the Middle. But when the Middle was happening, Elvis was seen as a radical liberal bent on destroying conservative values.
The fact that Elvis appearing on the Ed Sullivan Show represented the midway point merely means that he was in the right time and place to add that little extra force necessary to shift the balance of the energies from right to left.
You might be interested in knowing the midway point of the last cycle that forced the shift from liberalism to conservatism.
This point was the US stock market crash in 1929.
Recently we have just experienced another crossing of the midway point from liberalism to conservatism.
This occurred on Sept 11, 2001.
The force that moves the pendulum can be considered either good or bad, but force by itself is neither of these. Force of itself is neutral, but the overall moving of the pendulum is governed by the principle of dominating good.
This means that when the pendulum has finished its motion the end result will be seen as a step forward in evolution.
"Morpheus: 'What is The Matrix? Control. The Matrix is a computer generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this.'
"Neo: 'No. I don't believe it. It's not possible!'
"Morpheus: 'I didn't say it would be easy, Neo. I just said it would be the truth.'"
-- The Matrix
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