2003-5-28 12:00:00
Paul wrote:
HI, I am curious, why would Jesus come back?? My understanding is that what we call the 'Christ' spirit has been here repeatedly. Each time a new vehicle has been chosen that reflects the current status of the people to be worked with and the lessons to be taught / learned.
Why would you come back?
The answer is the same.
Just as you have lessons to learn and service to render, even so do the great lives have their own goals.
There are nine initiations to be taken. Seven of them are taken on this earth. The Christ must return to complete his seventh initiation. After this, followed by a period of service, he will then go on to Sirius where he will complete his eighth and ninth initiations. Then in the far future he will return to the earth as what DK calls the "Cosmic Christ." We probably do not have much of an idea as to what this means at this point.
Christ as an individual entity will incarnate periodically, and then at other times, he will work through disciples in a divine overshadowing or divine possession.
On the other hand, the Christ principle is in each of us and can manifest at any time, anywhere the people are ready.
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