2003-5-20 06:19:00
Interesting article on a new energy source, Glenys.
Tom has some questions:
1. Christ will come again. If someone is claming to be the Christ then will we know if it is true through soul contact? With soul contact one will know the real Christ from the false right?
You will know if you find out all you can on your own and run the information by your mind. When your mind has done all it can do, and if you are open to the answer, the mind will run it by the soul and you can know for sure.
Why must one ask him questions when the soul can give you the true answer?
Your soul does not give you knowledge in the common way of learning. It gives confirmation and reveals principles. No matter how much someone knows and understands, there is always someone else with greater understanding.
Christ will come to give us understanding more than knowledge.
2. In the Aquarian gospel it talks about Jesus saying the sacred word of GOD and healing the sick. Someone asked JJ about this and JJ said it can be a phrase like Jesus often said "Your sins are forgiven you." Is this all one needs to hear to be healed?
If it is the Word of Power revealed by your soul. It is different for each situation and person and the healer must pick it up through revelation. Then too, it will only be revealed if the soul sees the person is ready for healing.
This is just one of the aspects of the sacred word.
3. Is the sacred name of GOD "I AM BECOMING THAT WHICH I DECIDE TO BECOME" Is this the scared name of GOD? That is his name if one spoke it would that heal the sick?
This is the principle behind the name of God but not the actual name. This principle can be used for healing to him who understands.
4. On chapter 138 on the Aquarian Gospel it says Jesus told a blind man to say the word and then wash his face. The man was to say the word jahhevahe. He was healed by saying the WORD. So what do jahhevahe mean? Is this another name for GOD?
This is a variation of Jehovah. This variation gives a clue to the sacred word without revealing how it is spoken.
5. Is it ok for a healer to try to heal the sick even if the sickness may be caused by karma and illness and debts due to stuff the ill person did in the past? I know JJ has talked about this a few times but I am still confused on this.
The healer should use the best healing techniques he knows. If the soul sees the person is ready to be healed then the healer can give great assistance. If not, then not much will happen until the lesson has been learned.
What does JJ think about reiki?
It is a good and gentle healing technique. It usually does not do the miraculous but does send good healing energy that assists in recovery.
On the same chapter 138 Jesus said the blind man once made another blind in a past life. Jesus said we cannot pay the debts of any man but can but by the WORD may release us from illness and make him free. Can you explain this in more detail?
I do not have time to cover this now but may write more about it some time in the future.
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved