2003-5-9 05:46:00
The Assignment: The emotional person makes up mind then looks for facts to support his mindset.
The mental looks for facts and then makes up mind.
Contemplate this distinction as a seed thought and tell us how you see it playing out.
I was happy to see that this thought stimulated your thinking. I would like to take time to comment on all your answers, but have been very busy with my business and doing promotional work for the gathering. Then too, I'm trying to finish off the last chapter of the book. Shouldn't be long now.
Curiously I see the dialog did lead to discussing David Icke and his teachings that evil lizard shape shifters are among us. Is it possible that such a thing could be true?
This leads us to the next attribute.
When an emotional person comes across something that goes against his belief system or sounds fantastic by his group standards he will immediately write it off as being untrue. He will refuse to listen to any argument to the contrary.
On the other hand, the mental person will always consider the probabilities, and if there is even a slim chance of a thing being true he will be open to the possibility. He will listen to any logical argument to support a fanciful belief.
On the other side of the pendulum, the emotional person will all too readily accept a teaching that fits within his belief system or has the approval of his group. He will often accept that for which there is no evidence to substantiate.
The mental person will never accept carte blanche, but will question and analyze even within his belief system and among his peers.
These lines of approach for the mental person are confusing for the emotional. On one hand, he considers the mental person gullible when he is open to the far-fetched as worthy of investigation, but then he will condemn him as closed-minded, on the other, when he questions a cherished emotional doctrine.
This brings us to an interesting dividing line between the two groups and the second Key into consideration. When presented with a belief, the mental person will use judgment and the result or that judgment will not be predictable to the emotional person.
The emotional person will forfeit judgment and lean on his belief system and his group influence as the main determining factor in what he accepts and believes.
Jennifer makes this interesting statement:
I am closed-minded in the sense that if something or someone contradicts something I know to be true then I hold what else they say in doubt.
Knowing a thing beyond reasonable doubt and believing a thing are two different items.
I know beyond a reasonable doubt that I am sitting here typing on this computer, but I only have a belief that the stock market will go up tomorrow. It is good judgment to use that which we know as guidelines to sifting knowledge as Jennifer does. On the other hand, the emotional person will use beliefs as his guidelines for truth, often giving a nebulous belief more weight than a known reality.
That said, let us examine Icke's teaching that shape-shifting lizards are among us. Since I have never seen a shape-shifting lizard among humanity, never seen a picture of one or never met a person who has seen one I have absolutely no evidence that they exist. This does not mean they do not exist, but I have no reason to believe such a thing.
On the other hand, even though this belief is very fantastic, I do not completely rule it out and because of other factors I do have an explanation for the fact that many have claimed to have seen lizard shape-shifters.
Early in the history of our humanity there was a lizard-like race. The talking snake in the Garden of Eden is evidence of this. These entities were spiritual vampires and sought to dominate and eventually destroy the human race. This generated karma for them which destroyed their own race instead and humankind. Some of the darkest of these ancient entities are now too low in vibration to incarnate, but others have moved on and incarnated into the human race. Many of the serpent people are very astute and are in positions of power and authority in the earth.
Now we come to the reason some think they see shape shifters. Every now and then a person who is very sensitive will come across an entity who was a member of the serpent race in a past life and with psychic vision he will see him as he was in the ancient past rather than as he is now. When this happens the person will sometimes believe he has seen a shape-shifter.
The person's shape did not change. Instead the angle of vision changed.
Have you known emotional people who did not use judgment and were either too quick to believe or disbelieve? Describe. Did you go through a process of learning to use judgment in your life?
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved