The Use of Facts

2003-4-26 05:38:00

My Friends,

Time to move on to another category in our polarization discussion. We will add another category.

This category is in the use of facts.

The mental person will accept and use facts at face value and make sure he understands them correctly. Any deductions made from them will be logical.

The emotional person will see the facts through his emotional filters causing many deductions from them to be illogical.

Let us give an example of this.

The news media recently gave a very emotional presentation of facts about the war with Iraq which has just wound up.

Even though the coalition made record advances toward Baghdad and these advances were accurately reported, many in the media told us the forces were "bogged down." Some even went so far to say we were having another Vietnam. These reporters had the correct facts but came to illogical conclusions.

In addition, the coalition forces were experiencing phenomenally low deaths and casualties, sometimes one to a thousand compared to the enemy, which was clearly reported, but they often made it sound like the troops were in trouble, or in for a long and difficult war.

On the receiving end the emotionally polarized were taken in by distorted opinion and did not focus on what the facts revealed. The mental people looked at the facts and realized that the troops were making amazing progress.

Reading polls is another area that separates the mental from the emotional. One of the problems here is that often the true details are not reported.

For instance a headline may read:

Poll shows 87% of Americans believe economy is in trouble.

The emotional person usually accepts such proclamations with no questions asked, but the mental will wonder: "Exactly what was the question?"

When he does do research he may discover the question was asked much differently than was hinted at in the news article. Perhaps the results were so high because the question was:

"Do you think a significant portion of Americans are having economic problems?"

By wording the question in this way the pollster is assured of high results.

But suppose he asked the question this way:

"Is your personal economic situation in trouble?"

In this case the answer may be much lower, such as 25% instead of the 87%.

Polls are often used to mold public opinion rather than reveal it. Because such a high percentage are emotionally grounded, this deception works quite well but does not usually fool the mentally polarized because they will want to see the questions and analyze them to understand what the opinion really is.

You'll notice that when the Republican and Democrat parties present their polling results to the public that there is significant difference in the numbers. The Republican poll usually favors their candidate and the Democratic favors theirs. This is because of the way the questions are worded and the selected populace which is polled.

The interesting thing is that they both have internal polls which are much more accurate which are for their eyes only. Politicians are happy to deceive the public, but they do not want to deceive themselves.

Religion is another area where the facts are distorted. Suppose you open the Bible and read the following scriptures to both an emotionally polarized person and a mentally polarized one. What will be the difference in the way they interpret?

You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32

For by grace ye are saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3

Below is our running tabulation on the qualities of the polarities.

(1) Closed-minded
(2) Uses generalizations, rhetoric and hyperbole (exaggerates).
(3) He will not be able to control his emotions during period of stress.
(4) Emotions seem to dominate their personality.
(5) Prefers harmony over truth and reality.
(6) Mind not changed by the facts.
(7) Gets agitated by those who disagree.
(8) Moves from point A to point B with no logical explanation as to the why -
(9) He is easily offended, even when no offense is intended.
(10) He is reluctant to give a clear or honest answer (or a yes or no) when requested. This is especially true if the answer shows a contradiction to his belief system.
(11) He will incorporate "catch phrases" into his life as long as they support his belief system. This he will do with little ort no analysis of their underlying truth.
(12) He will often have a nebulous feel as to the use of words and will rarely define awkward words concisely unless forced to do so by the course of the argument. He will be inconsistent in the use of important words and will often use them deceptively without being aware he is so doing.
(13) He will often feel (rather than hear) what you are saying, having his emotions triggered by certain red flag words. If you try to clarify it does not change how he feels.

(1) Open-minded
(2) He will follow a logical path.
(3) He will pick up intuitive impressions.
(4) Thought and common sense seem to dominate their personality.
(5) They will channel their emotions toward a purpose.
(6) Wants the true facts.
(7) New information will change their minds.
(8) Patient with those who disagree.
(9) Will sometimes be seen as not caring because he may not be swayed by prominent emotion.
(10) Moves from point A to point B with a logical explanation as to the why.
(11) Not easily offended.
(12) He gives honest, straight answers, even if it reveals a mistake in his belief system.
(13) He is more inclined to use inspiring aphorisms than catch phrases and only attempts to use such phrases to enhance communication rather than the promotion of an agenda.
(14) He will use a concise definition of terms in the use of his words in an argument. He will also be consistent in how the word is used in context. He will not attempt to use words deceptively, but to portray reality as he sees it as well his true thoughts.
(15) He will listen to the actual words you say and attempt to accept them at face value. If there is something he does not understand he will ask clarifying questions.

THIRD CATEGORY - Characteristics of actions that do not indicate the polarity.
(1) Displays strong emotion periodically that seems to be not destructive.
(2) Both may be very educated, have great memories for detail, get good grades and have much knowledge.