2003-4-4 05:04:00
Excellent post, Keith. You could only have this insight by tapping into the Oneness Principle. In fact, I am quoting it below so it can go to The Archives.
Let me affirm that a dark disciple does continue to reincarnate until his vibration becomes so low that he becomes disconnected from his soul. Then he cannot incarnate unless it is in a group of very low vibration. Philo [a character in "The Immortal"] is close to being a Dark Brother but is not quite there yet. He would be in the category of a disciple of his Dark Master.
There is an interesting correspondence between the Dark and Light Masters. The Masters of Wisdom can incarnate, if they desire, but are reluctant to because it is uncomfortable to lower their vibration to make it possible.
The Dark Masters cannot normally incarnate because their vibration is too low. It could be possible however, if a group vibration could be lowered to their level. Normally they will work through earthly disciples, possession or by astral and/or etheric contact.
Here is Keith's post:
"I think Philo and other disciples of the dark path must return to their souls after death at some point. These disciples are still attached to their souls via the silver cord. I remember reading in JJ's second book that he had a vision of Philo's darkened cord. This cord becomes darkened more and more as each lifetime of selfish intent is lived. The cord becomes so dark during one lifetime that it just disintegrates, communication with the soul is lost. One is now utterly cut-off from the soul's lifeforce. The disciple moves into the realm of full-fledged dark brother. The whole process is one of slow devolution.
"Now, the dark master types never return to their souls because they do not have physical bodies and are cut off from the soul's life force. This cutting off means they cannot return to the buddic plane beyond the mental plane. A dark master is like a man in a diving bell suit being cut off from his air supply. In order to keep himself alive the diver must quickly find another supply of oxygen. This explains why dark masters use dark disciples and their students as sources of life force. This is probably the great secret the dark master spoke about when he referred to his ability to beat Karmic debt. If one has no physical body and never returns to judgment (soul's), then he is free.
"I would imagine that Philo would devolve to a point were he can no longer reincarnate, but must exist perpetually within the astral and mental realms.
"Philo's fate is one of slow devolution. When a dark disciple returns to his soul after death he is probably warned of the danger he is in. Nevertheless, the dark disciple is tracked by his dark master upon his return to the physical. The dark master watches for his return into the physical and then makes contact again. The dark disciple has rejected the soul so many times before he can no longer hear it's call in the physical. The only call he hears is the call of his selfish desires and that of his master. "
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