2003-4-1 05:10:00
Jonathan asks me to comment on Sollog's view of the following.
The 911 attacks on the USA are considered in the future to be THE START OF WORLD WAR III
The first thing to consider is that the future is not set in stone, so I do not pretend my words are god-breathed. There is a possibility that this could be the case, but the probability is that it will be viewed as a point of tension that will lead to a more stable society allowing Christ and the Masters of Wisdom to return.
The INVASIONS of Afghanistan and Iraq by the United States are seen as TRIGGERS to unite the Muslim world against Western Civilization and particularly against Christianity.
It may seem that this will be true for a couple years to come but the chances are that Muslim opposition will diffuse as the coming generation becomes more exposed to the ways of the west. If the U.S. is successful in establishing a democracy in Iraq, the trigger can be the opposite of the above prediction, creating a domino effect for the downfall of authoritarian governments. The old will resist the new and it will seem for a while that the Arab countries are not ready for democracy, but it will eventually take hold. This is the probability. Wild cards are always a consideration.
No one can stop what has already occurred. Great prophets have seen this time throughout time. It is a horrific time. Billions will soon be dead from disease, warfare and violent earth changes.
The great earth changes will not occur for over 100 years. There will be wars and famine but not as catastrophic as he expects.
The ONLY THING anyone can do is to stay away from the major targets. These are heavily populated areas around the world.
There will be problems in the major cities but nothing like he expects.
By 2020 if you do not live in the high mountains of Asia, Canada and South America you will most likely be dead!
This has a 95% chance of being far from reality.
The future of humanity is in the high mountains of Asia, Canada and South America.
There is no long-term future in large modern cities.
Large cities will be around for thousands of years to come. However, many new cities will be built with a planned limitation in population, but linked to make greater cities. The effect will be to live in a smaller city environment while enjoying the benefits of a larger city.
Notice that all of Solog's (and many others' predictions) focus on the worst of all possibilities. They see what they expect.
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved