2003-3-31 05:12:00
Robert writes:
JJ is Judgment the power behind Excalibur? Or is Excalibur a combination of all the keys?
The power of judgment must be used, but in relationship with a number of the keys.
Alan writes:
A mentally polarized person recognizes the value of their emotions but uses them rather than being used by them. Interestingly, a fish would die in the air if kept their too long and a person would die in the water if kept under too long.
Good observation and expands on Blayne's statement that the mental person "will channel their emotions toward a purpose."
We are not yet done listing the attributes of the polarities. Here are the ones given so far.
I will add one for you on the emotional list.
(9) He is easily offended, even when no offense is intended.
Question: Is the mental person easily offended? Why not?
See if you can add more attributes to the list.
(1) Closed-minded
(2) Uses generalizations, rhetoric and hyperbole (exaggerates).
(3) He will not be able to control his emotions during period of stress.
(4) Emotions seem to dominate their personality.
(5) Prefers harmony over truth and reality.
(6) Mind not changed by the facts.
(7) Gets agitated by those who disagree.
(8) Moves from point A to point B with no logical explanation as to the why -
(1) Open-minded
(2) He will follow a logical path.
(3) He will pick up intuitive impressions.
(4) Thought and common sense seem to dominate their personality.
(5) They will channel their emotions toward a purpose.
(6) Wants the true facts.
(7) New information will change their minds.
(8) Patient with those who disagree.
(9) Will sometimes be seen as not caring because he may not be swayed by prominent emotion.
(10) Moves from point A to point B with a logical explanation as to the why.
THIRD CATEGORY - Characteristics of actions that do not indicate the polarity.
(1) Displays strong emotion periodically that seems to be not destructive.
(2) Both may be very educated, have great memories for detail, get good grades and have much knowledge.
We will add to these as we move along.
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved