2003-3-28 05:39:00
My Friends,
I think it's time for another stimulating question.
The war in Iraq is on the minds of many people throughout the world. This has indeed been one of the most polarizing wars in the world, not only outside of the United States, but inside also.
What few realize, however, is that the war is a partial externalization of a conflict passed down from the higher worlds of the emotional/astral and mental.
In the past, wars have been dominated by the astral and physical plane, with a hint of the mental in recent times. But now as we are entering the transitional period that takes us from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age we are also passing from emotional dominance (Pisces) to mental (Aquarius) dominance.
This passing from astral to mental dominance is difficult indeed and a war between the plane of the mind and the emotions is beginning to manifest as an undeniable reality.
The problem with achieving harmony through conflict here is that the emotionally polarized people live in a consciousness where their version of truth is based on upside-down vision. These are they that call good evil and evil, good, that take light for darkness and darkness for light.
An important point to note is that the beliefs of the emotionally polarized people are not all upside down. The reason for this is that they have been taught a number of good principles that originated by some teacher polarized in the mind or higher. For instance, the principles of mathematics were originated by the thinkers of the race, so when an emotionally polarized person is taught that 2+2=4, he is forced to incorporate this right side up thinking into his belief system.
However, such an astral person will rarely originate right-side up thinking on his own initiative. Unless he is taught right-side up thinking by a teacher, his feeling nature will distort even the most obvious truths.
Then there are those who are in a transition state where they are moving from astral to mental dominance. The personal universe for these people is a little like humanity at this time where some are of Piscean and others are of Aquarian consciousness.
Do these people see everything as in a mirror and turn truth upside down?
Answer: They will oscillate back and forth. When their emotional nature is calm they can use the mind to see correctly. But when their emotional nature is roused they will slip back into distorted vision again.
Because of emotion conflicting with mind for dominance we have an approaching Armageddon between these two planes and it is manifesting in the more advanced nations. The lesser advanced nations are yet ruled by emotional dominance - so we look to greater civilization to find the real beginning of this war.
As we cover this subject I will ask a series of questions to clarify the war and the participants therein.
Questions: Since both the astral and mental people claim to work and act on a reasonable and logical basis, this makes it difficult to tell which is which, especially if we happen to agree with the astral person on a position or two.
How can we tell if a person is astral or mentally polarized?
What are the differences between the reaction of an emotionally and mentally polarized person to a situation or presentation?
How are computers and the Internet assisting many to move to the plane of the mind?
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved