2003-3-13 05:59:00
At present I am not encouraging political discussion, but I was sent an e-mail by a British author I have met and I find his information much more alarming than any laws or directions the U.S. has taken lately.
By Phillip Day
The Campaign for Truth in Medicine/Europe:
War with Iraq looms. The pro- and anti-war brigades fight out their issues in the UN as the hourglass empties. Everyone is glued to their TVs or turned with their faces towards the Gulf. And there's me having a sneaking look in a different direction to see what's happening while everybody's back is turned.
In Europe, we're told all the time about bad, wicked' America. But how many eyes are turned on what the new superpower of the 21st century is up to the European Union?
Some FACTS now follow which will affect ALL Europeans:
Did you know that the European Union, soon to dwarf the USA with a population of 450 million after May 2004, has a constitution planned for this summer that, once signed, will end its member states' ability ever to leave, short of war?
Did you know that the European Union has criminalised the sale of hundreds of perfectly safe vitamin, mineral, food supplement and herbal products with effect from July 2005?
Were you aware that all members of the EU's governing structure, together with the tens of thousands of bureaucrats and civil servants who run the union, have been granted A LIFETIME IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION and are, by their own admission, above the law?
Did anyone tell you this also goes for the sinister new European police force? Under the new EU Arrest Warrant, Europol has now been granted powers to arrest and detain any citizen speaking out against the EU for up to 9 months without having to provide any evidence.
Have you been told that if your country is talked into adopting the euro, all your nation's gold reserves, all silver stocks and dollar assets will be handed over to the EU's central bank, leaving your nation independently incapacitated and unable to re-launch its independence?
Did you know that the European Union, which now imperiously runs the economies of 15 countries (soon to expand to 25), has been unable even to have its own accounts signed off EIGHT YEARS IN SUCCESSION? This is because of the corruption and criminal fraud carried out by its officers, who are predictably protected by the above blanket immunity from prosecution.
As members of a corrupt and unaccountable European Union, shortly to be coerced into joining the euro, is Britain to get the future she deserves while everyone studiously looks the other way?
If you were unaware of even ONE of the above facts, and you care about your future and the future of Europe, why not come along to one of my UK national tour meetings close to where you live to see what can be done. This has nothing really to do with politics. It's to do with finding the cause of the problems, and then laying the axe to the root of the tree.
Thanks for reading.
Phillip Day's UK Let's Fix Britain' tour
Dates, details and tickets available at www.campaignfortruth.com or by calling (01622) 832386
The new book is Ten Minutes to Midnight'
Available at: http://www.credence.org
It is interesting that Europe is complaining about the loss of freedom in the United States when they are selling out wholesale.
At least we can still buy the vitamins we want.
Jack Nickolson (as character named Dupea): "I'd like a plain omelet, no potatoes on the plate, a cup of coffee and a side order of wheat toast." Waitress: "I'm sorry we don't have any side orders of wheat toast." Jack: "You've got bread and a toaster of some kind?" Waitress: "I don't make the rules." Jack: "OK. I'll make it as easy for you as I can. I'd like an omelet, plain, and a chicken salad sandwich on wheat toast, no mayonnaise, no butter, no lettuce. And a cup of coffee." Waitress: "A number 2 chicken san, hold the butter, the lettuce and the mayonnaise. And a cup of coffee. Anything else?" Jack: "Yeah. Now all you have to do is hold the chicken, bring me the toast, give me a check for the chicken salad sandwich and you haven't broken any rules." Dialog from Five Easy Pieces with Jack Nicholson
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved