2003-2-27 04:28:00
John Z asks about planet X. This subject came up June of last year when a prediction was going around the internet that it would cause disaster on the earth in March of this year.
Below are some comments I made last year, which are still pertinent today.
The excitement around Planet X (called Nibiru) centers around the writings of Zecharia Sitchin. Now, the interesting thing is that the prediction of the appearance of Planet X around Spring of 2003 is not made or supported by Sitchin. He thinks the planet will show up someday, but not sure when.
A person making the prophecy is Mark Hazelwood who claims that Planet X is a brown dwarf that will visit in about a year from now.
We do not need soul contact to be assured this will not happen.
Because a brown dwarf is much larger than Jupiter, up to 48 times as large, and is likely to still be emitting light of its own. Anything this large would be visible to the naked eye for about five years before its approach to the earth.
The prediction is that Planet X will arrive in spring of 2003, less than a year from now. At the fastest possible orbiting speed from an elongated orbit, this planet would now have to be closer than Jupiter to have a chance of getting here within a year.
If then Planet X were within the obit of Jupiter it would be the brightest object in the night sky, over 20 times brighter than Venus, the brightest object in the Sky, next to the moon. If it was a brown dwarf with residual light of its own, it could be a bright as the moon.
Because we look up in the sky and see no such object, then the only conclusion is that there is no brown dwarf within harm's way for years to come. Some have seen the discovery of new asteroids as evidence of Planet X, but Planet X has been described as something much larger than an Asteroid. Asteroid 2000WR106 was thought by some to be evidence of Planet X, but this was only about 10% the mass of Pluto and since it is about 4 billion miles from us, it poses no more threat than any other orb in our solar system.
I believe that Emmanuel Velikovsky is much closer to the truth than Sitchin. He shows evidence that planets have shifted out of their orbits and have visited the earth in the past. Such is a correspondent of planetary sex which gives birth to a new life form of some kind on the earth. The creation of the Molecular Relationship (a new life form) has the potential to invoke a planetary visit.
The thing to keep in mind is that such an event just does not happen at random with no purpose other than to destroy. A true planetary visit is part of the creation process in the universe which enhances life while destroying the obstacles to life.
I notice that the dialog around planet X is starting to shift around the internet. Some are beginning to realize and teach that if it is going to be here by March of 2003 then it should be within the orbit of Jupiter and be brighter than Venus in the sky. Others are starting to realize that it is highly unlikely that astronomers would be involved in a conspiracy of silence (about observing Planet X) when most of them are very eager to share any new discover, no matter what it is.
I don't know if my statement on this was picked up or if others are coming to the same conclusions I did.
It does appear that a number of believers are starting to distance themselves from the prophecy.
There is a greater danger that the current asteroid in discussion could hit us and there is little chance of that. I'm sure it will not be long before they announce that it will miss us by a safe margin.
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved