2003-2-26 12:00:00
James writes:
I am am on a fast right now, into my third day, and I was wondering if the maple syrup (containing natural sugar) might be detrimental to the fast. Is there a specific reason that honey / maple sugar is included in the "mix"? Would it be better to have just the lemon, cayenne and water, or are there extra benefits from the honey / maple syrup? I am relatively new to fasting, and so I have had only water and some dandelion tea that my wife said would be good for cleansing. JJ has given some excellent tips, which I plan to make the best of, but is there anything else I need to know? What level of exercise is recommended during a fast? I have also had a mild headache since yesterday afternoon, which was worse when I got up this morning. Is there anything I should do about this? Any comments / help would be much appreciated.
Not using a sweetener during a fast works fine. The main reason for using a little honey or maple syrup is to make fasting a little easier without hindering the effect of the fast.
I've done it both ways and I don't really feel less hungry using sweetener, but it does satisfy temporarily. Avoid refined sugar.
A normal amount of exercise during a fast is fine unless you feel extra weak.
If you get a headache take a couple aspirin. You should only need to do this once or twice during the fast and if your body is pretty clean your head will not ache that much. This usually only lasts for a day.
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved