2003-2-25 12:24:00
"Everybody puts into his words the "content of reality" he is able to grasp on his level, in his circumstances and opportunities to have experiences. All too often people talk at cross purposes, and misunderstandings are inevitable. This appears best when you hear people reporting what others have said. They turn it into something different from what the original speaker meant. When something you have said is reported back to you, you will not recognize it and you may honestly assert that you have not said it. It is another matter that many people do not know what they have said, do not mean what they are saying, and then are indignant when it is reported back to them. It is frequently seen that people say one thing, mean another"
Henry Laurency
Ruth writes:
Hey is this guy talking about the Bible????????
I just wanted to add that I have asked many questions on this list over the year, and only one or two were answered. It doesn't bother me at all, because down the line somewhere the answers will come out from someone on the list, so as long as I have got them off my mind, I have the faith that the answers will come to me eventually.
I guess it's about time I answered one of your questions then.
This quote is from Henry Laurency and he does not seem to be talking about the Bible. Glenys turned me on to him a while back and I have been reading him and using some of his material for my quotes lately. He was a student of DK and some say he had contact with the Hierarchy.
He has some good insights, but still a long way to go to match DK.
If I don't miss my guess, I would bet Glenys would be willing to give us a rundown on him and where his writings can be accessed.
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved