2003-2-24 04:57:00
John C writes:
I am just asking a question, and I have yet to receive an answer to that question. I am not suppressing inquiry or debate. I am not saying this knowledge is not relevant. I just don't know WHY you think it is relevant enough to debate over it, and I am simply asking WHY. This is an interesting exercise to ask a question to this list and see how long it takes to actually get an answer.
Your exact question was "how is knowing this answer (about God's foreknowledge) going to benefit or change one's life either spiritually or materially?"
In my last post I attempted to answer this for you. Now you are asking a different question which is:
"I just don't know WHY you think it is relevant enough to debate over it, and I am simply asking WHY."
The answer: What makes a subject relevant is if it is interesting to the members of the list and if it is on topic. I think many find this an interesting subject. In fact, it is probably one of the few interesting topics that are discussed in orthodox religion.
Concerning Bishop Merritt, go gentle on him my friends. I have met many with an LDS background who are good decent people (including many of my family) but are frustrating to debate with because of a strong mindset. Maybe if he hangs around a while a few new principles may break through.
Actually, BM, you seem like quite a salty character. Would you mind telling us a little of your background? Are you still in the LDS church? Are or were you a Bishop? How'd you find out about the Keys? Have you read the Immortal or many of the archives?
Speaking of Brother Philo. If one like him were to appear on the list about 15% of the list would immediately think he is more on target than I am and he would bring discontent to over a third of the list.
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