2003-2-23 13:18:00
Good points made to BM, Blayne.
That many true predictions can be made is not part of the argument. A million true predictions can be cited and still not prove the point. And what point is that?
That there is no life in the universe, not even God, who knows every detail that will unfold in the future. The big picture is seen, but not the details.
If there be even one failed prophesy given from God then my point is proven.
BM points out that the Bible is not translated perfectly, but you would have to say the whole story of Jonah is a fabrication to disprove my point.
I only took one example from the Bible and all the rest are from Mormon scriptures which I assume you, BM believe. Two of them were said to be Christ Himself speaking and making predictions which did not come true.
You never explained why, if God knows everything future, that these prophesies did not come true. Do you not accept the Mormon scriptures as authentic? If so, why do you attach yourself to the Mormon faith?
You admonish me to let not tainted scriptures be my authority (which they are not) and then you turn around and use them on me as if they are your authority. Seems odd.
When debating with another, I use what I consider to be their authority.
I might add here that even with several failed predictions that Joseph Smith is still one of the most accurate prophets of all time for he made many fairly stunning ones that did materialize.
The question is - why would one believe that God knows every detail of the future - or even more importantly - why would he want to know? If I do not want to know something I will not find it out and will not know it. Why then would a superior being want to clutter up his mind with details that would even bore inferior beings such as ourselves?
If God knows everything in the future and can reveal it to a spokesman then why has every spokesman that claims to be for God (of which we have a detailed record) made inaccurate prophesies?
You end with an odd comment:
"However, I've been contemplating a thought which is entirely something I think is great my friend, but saddening. JJ, Sunday, 2-23-03, you will contemplate dishonesty to try to save face my friend. However, your heart is right before God to know the truth is always best regardless who is right or wrong. It matters not if recorded for all to see or not, but you will know and that's what counts."
Here we have an example of a failed prediction. I have never in my life used dishonesty to save face and do not plan to. Every post I have ever made to this list has been with as much honesty as is in my power to give. Why would you judge me otherwise?
Furthermore, if I am being dishonest then my heart could not be right before God.
You speak of authority. My only authority is the Holy Spirit and it does indeed witness to me that these principles I teach on foreknowledge is true.
Using the logic of the mind I will present you with another point.
If God knows everything in detail that will ever happen this means that he does not have free will. To have free will one must make decisions. To make a decision one must be faced with two paths, or choices. To be faced with such a choice one has to NOT KNOW which path he will take until the decision is made.
God can only make a decision when he encounters a point in the future that he does not know.
Without some uncertainty there is no decision, no free will and hence no life or reason to live, or even exist.
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved