2003-2-19 20:37:00
Note: I am copying and posting this for the Kronkes for the original contained 25 additional e-mails.
Let me remind members that when you respond to be sure and delete any material that does not pretain to your post or the discussion.
From: "The Kronkes"
Date: Wed Feb 19, 2003 1:37pm
Subject: RE: [Keysters] Digest Number 336
Here is something to consider....instead of focusing your energies on war/politics/who's right/who's wrong/who's mislead, try focusing on healing yourselves. Pay attention to the subjects/people/places around you, maybe you'll notice that certain things make you feel drained, avoid being drained. When you start to truly open your heart and make efforts to heal, then you will start to hear the messages God is trying to send you and my truth tells me there are messages in JJ's book. I've received many messages/clues/memory triggers that have lead me down my spiritual path. Always follow your highest good, know where to properly use your energies and don't forget that you need the energies as well. That's all for now....
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved