Diet & Health -- Part 3

2003-2-10 04:47:00

Question: What is the main cancer causing ingredient in most shampoos and cosmetics?

Here is a list that will make you squirm. A MLM company called Neways does sell products without these ingredients.

"Major Cosmetic and Toiletry Ingredient Poses Avoidable Cancer Risks, warns Professor of Environmental Medicine at University of Illinois, School of Public Medicine CHICAGO, Feb 22 /PRNewswire/

"The following was released today by Samuel S. Epstein, M.D., Professor Environmental Science. University of Illinois School of Public Health. As reported on CBS Morning News Today, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) recently found that repeated skin application to mouse skin of diethanolamine (DEA), or its fatty acid derivative cocamide-DEA, induced liver and kidney cancer. Besides this "clear evidence of carcinogenicity," NTP also emphasized that DEA is readily absorbed through the skin and accumulates in organs, such as the brain, where it induces chronic toxic effects. High concentrations of DEA-based detergents are commonly used in a wide range of cosmetics and toiletries, including shampoos, hair dyes and conditioners, lotions, creams and bubble baths, besides liquid dishwashing and laundry soaps. Lifelong use of these products thus clearly poses avoidable cancer risks to the great majority of U.S. consumers, particularly infants and young children. AVOID DEA and other harmful ingredients, check out our World Famous Convert Your Bathroom Pack Further increasing these cancer risks is long-standing evidence that DEA readily interacts with nitrite preservatives or contaminants in cosmetics or toiletries to form nitrosodiethanolamine (NDELA), another carcinogen as well recognized by Federal agencies and institutions at the World Health Organization, which, like DEA, is also rapidly absorbed through the skin. In 1979, the FDA warned that over 40% of all cosmetic products were contaminated with NDELA and called for the industry "to take immediate action to eliminate this carcinogen from cosmetic products." In two 1991 surveys, 27 out of 29 products were found to be contaminated with high concentrations of this carcinogen, results which were subsequently confirmed by the FDA. Based on this information, the European Union and European industry have both taken strong action to reduce or eliminate DEA and NDELA from cosmetics and toiletries. In sharp contrast, the FDA has taken no such action, nor has it responded to a 1996 petition from the Cancer Prevention Coalition to phase out the use of DEA or to label DEA-containing products with an explicit cancer warning. The mainstream U.S. industry has been similarly unresponsive, even to the extent of ignoring the explicit warning by the Cosmetics, Toiletries and Fragrance Association to discontinue the uses of DEA. Such reckless intransigence is in strong contrast with the responsiveness of the growing safe cosmetic industry.

"DEA As reported on CBS Morning News Today, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) recently found that repeated skin application to mouse skin of diethanolamine (DEA), or its fatty acid derivative cocamide-DEA, induced liver and kidney cancer. Besides this clear evidence of carcinogenicity, NTP also emphasized that DEA is readily absorbed through the skin and accumulates in organs, such as the brain, where it induces chronic toxic effects."

Here is some other information on common additives to varioius products that we use and their reported effects.

Alcohol:  A colorless, volatile, flammable liquid produced by the fermentation of yeast and carbohydrates. Alcohol is used frequently as a solvent and is also found in beverages and medicine. As an ingredient in ingestible products, alcohol may cause body tissues to be more vulnerable to carcinogens. Mouthwashes with an alcohol content of 25 percent or more have been implicated in mouth, tongue, and throat cancers.

Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA):  An organic acid produced by anaerobic respiration. Skin care products containing AHA exfoliate not only dead skin cells, but the skin's protective barrier as well. Long- term skin damage may result from its use.

Aluminum:  A metallic element used extensively in the manufacture of aircraft components, prosthetic devices, and as an ingredient in antiperspirants, antacids, and antiseptics. Aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer's Disease.

Animal Fat (Tallow):  A type of animal tissue made up of oily solids or semisolids that are water-insoluble esters of glycerol and fatty acids. Animal fats and lye are the chief ingredients in bar soap, a cleaning and emulsifying product that may act as a breeding ground for bacteria.

Bentonite:  A porous clay that expands to many times its dry volume as it absorbs water. Bentonite, commonly found in many cosmetic foundations, may clog pores and suffocate the skin.

Butane Aerosol propellant:  Is flammable and in high doses may be narcotic or cause asphyxiation.

Collagen:  An insoluble fibrous protein that is too large to penetrate the skin. The collagen found in most skin care products is derived from animal skins and ground up chicken feet. This ingredient forms a layer of film that may suffocate the skin.

Dioxins:  A potentially carcinogenic by-product that results from the process used to bleach paper at paper mills. Dioxin-treated containers sometimes transfer dioxins to the product itself.

Elastin of High-Molecular Weight:  A protein similar to collagen that is the main component of elastic fibers. Elastin is also derived from animal sources. Its effect on the skin is similar to collagen.

Flavoring:  Some can be potentially carcinogenic.

Fluoride:  Has been shown to be a potential carcinogen.

Fluorocarbons:  A colorless, nonflammable gas or liquid that can produce mild upper respiratory tract irritation. Fluorocarbons are commonly used as a propellant in hairsprays.

Formaldehyde:  A toxic, colorless gas that is an irritant and a carcinogen. When combined with water, formaldehyde is used as a disinfectant, fixative, or preservative. Formaldehyde is found in many cosmetic products and conventional nail care systems.

Glycerin:  A syrupy liquid that is chemically produced by combining water and fat. Glycerin is used as a solvent and plasticizer. Unless the humidity of air is over 65 percent, glycerin draws moisture from the lower layers of the skin and holds it on the surface, which dries the skin from the inside out.

Kaolin:  A fine white clay used in making porcelain. Like bentonite, kaolin smothers and weakens the skin.

Lanolin:  A fatty substance extracted from wool, which is frequently found in cosmetics and lotions. Lanolin is a common skin sensitizer that can cause allergic reactions, such as skin rashes.

Lye:  A highly concentrated watery solution of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. Lye is combined with animal fats to make bar soaps, which may corrode and dry out the skin.

Mineral Oil:  A derivative of crude oil (petroleum) that is used industrially as a cutting fluid and lubricating oil. Mineral oil forms an oily film over skin to lock in moisture, toxins, and wastes, but hinders normal skin respiration by keeping oxygen out.

Petrolatum:  A petroleum-based grease that is used industrially as a grease component. Petrolatum exhibits many of the same potentially harmful properties as mineral oil.

Propane Aerosol propellant:  Is flammable and in high doses may be a narcotic.

Propylene Glycol:  A cosmetic form of mineral oil found in automatic brake and hydraulic fluid, and industrial antifreeze. In skin and hair care products, propylene glycol work as a humectant, which is a substance that retains the moisture content of skin or cosmetic products by preventing the escape of moisture or water. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) warn users to avoid skin contact with propylene glycol as this strong skin irritant can cause liver abnormalities and kidney damage.

Salt:  Very drying, irritating, and corrosive.

Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES):  SLES is the alcohol form (ethoxylated) of SLS. It is slightly less irritating than SLS, but may cause more drying. Both SLS and SLES may cause potentially carcinogenic formation of nitrates and dioxins to form in shampoos and cleansers by reacting with other product ingredients. Large amounts of nitrates may enter the blood system from just one shampooing.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS):  SLS is used in harsh detergents and wetting agents used in garage floor cleaners, engine degreasers, and auto cleaning products. SLS is well-known in the scientific community as a common skin irritant. It is rapidly absorbed and retained in the eyes, brain, heart, and liver, which may result in harmful long-term effects. SLS could retard healing, cause cataracts in adults, and keep children's eyes from developing properly.

Sodium Fluoride:  Has been shown to be a potential carcinogen.

Talc:  A soft gray-green mineral used in some personal hygiene and cosmetics products. Inhaling talc may be harmful as this substance is recognized as a potential carcinogen.


Is a vegetarian diet healthier than a meat diet? Does it make any difference whether or not one eats meat if he is on the spiritual path?

I was amused by John W's dissertation on the subject and there is a lot of truth in what he says. From an angle of nutrition and health, many meat eaters fare better than the vegetarians.

Here is the main problem with switching to a vegetarian diet. When one goes vegetarian, his body misses his regular supply of protein and this causes a starvation for oxygen. This causes many vegetarians or partial vegetarians to overcompensate by eating more starchy food, eggs and cheese. These meat substitutes often are less healthy than the meat they have given up.

On the other hand, if the vegetarian has a high concentration of living foods in his diet he can be healthier than the meat eater -- providing he gets a good natural supply of minerals and this is often lacking in the most "living' diets.

I read about a study some time ago where they analyzed the health and longevity of Seventh Day Adventists who are vegetarians, the Mormons who abstain from alcohol, tobacco, coffee and tea, and compared them to the general population.

It turned out that the Mormons fared a little better than average, but interestingly a later study showed that moderate wine drinkers fared better than the Mormons -- note that word moderate.

The study also revealed that the Seventh Day Adventists did better than the Mormons, but the significance was only a couple percent. I do not have the study at my fingertips.

Does it make any difference whether or not one eats meat if he is on the spiritual path?

Kudos goes to Mark for finding a good Alice A. Bailey (AAB) quote on the importance of a vegetarian diet for the "applicant." But notice that Cynthia comes back with this:

"According to AAB in The Rays and Initiations re: Rule 6 (p. 124-127), a vegetarian diet is necessary for applicants in the beginning stages for purification and other purposes. However, she points out that life cannot really 'be taken.' So once a person has advanced a little further upon the path and stands at the doorway of initiation, then vegetarianism and other physical disciplines are no longer necessary since the person is, at this stage of his development, in no danger of being controlled by his physical appetites."


Actually, one of the few criticisms made of the AAB books is that DK [Djwhal Khul] seems to be that he is inconsistent on his teachings about vegetarianism. What is the real truth here? After all some of the greatest initiates in our history have been meat eaters.

The fact is that as a seeker approaches the second initiation (and the first to a lesser degree) a lot of new energies come into play that are difficult for the physical body to handle. During this period it is essential that the vibration of the physical body be enhanced through a purificatory diet. This may also be required for the third initiation, but overall the soul will guide the applicant here.

After the initiations are passed and the disciple is between initiations, the eating of meat may be permissible and even desirable to aid the disciple in certain types of work among the masses.

So for those of you who feel strongly impressed by your souls to be strict vegetarians this would be a sign that you are preparing for a new initiation.

For others of you who are obviously on the Path, but are not so inclined this would indicate that this is a period of application and hard work for you to accomplish certain goals as directed by your soul.

In my life I have gone the whole spectrum of diet for various purposes and at present I do eat meat to keep the vibration of my body low enough to keep me centered in the practical world so I can achieve success promoting this work. Later, when this type of attention is not required I may switch to a more refined diet.

As far as the morality of eating meat goes, DK gives this practical answer.

He states that the killing of an animal for food does not interfere with the purposes of God. When a human life is taken the killer interrupts the path of the soul whereas when an animal life is taken the path of that life is not disturbed.

In other words, the real harm in the murder of a human is that, time is lost and plans from a higher level have to be changed. Because the animal is not self conscious the taking of his life has little effect on goals from his oversoul.

I do not think the animal rights groups realize the negative effect that would be produced within the animal kingdom if we all turned into vegetarians tomorrow. All the cattle, chickens, lamb, pigs, etc., would lose their source of sustenance and would suffer enormous depravation and death.

Overall, their association with the human kingdom is very stimulating to their evolution.

Few realize that there is a correspondence between the humans taking the life of animals and the Christ demanding that we humans be willing to give our lives for the higher good if necessary. In this way the disciples are sacrificed to the kingdom of God just as truly as the animals are sacrificed to the human kingdom.

Overall, a good piece of advice with diet is to avoid superior judgment and the feeling of superiority that we see evidenced by many. Our fellow seeker may be eating meat or on some vegetarian diet because of the will of his Higher Self. If our associates are at a point where they are to change their diet they will feel it internally. Some will feel and resist and others will follow.

Many diets are put forward as the optimum or the best possible God-given program.

What do you suppose is the best possible overall diet for maximum health benefits?

What to look for here is only one thing and that is the truth. What is the true principle involved here?

The karma between humanity and the animal kingdom as far as food supply is concerned is mostly of a group nature. The animals who in the beginning dined upon man are now being eaten by man. When the great wheel is balanced then the time will come when most of humanity will be vegetarians and the "lion will eat straw like the ox" as stated by Isaiah.

When this time comes then our plants will be grown in much better soil and our food will be much more nutritious and satisfying.

If a person raises an animal for food and treats it well then the good treatment of the animal will balance off negative karma.

Someone asks how we help animals evolve.

Cows, chickens, pigs, and other farm animals raised for food have a close relationship with humans. Farmers often talk to these animals, name them and feel genuine affection toward them. In return these animals are stimulated and do acquire a sense of higher relationship toward their masters which wild animals never develop. These domestic animals are thus stimulated in their evolution toward the human kingdom just as teachers among us stimulate our human evolution toward the Kingdom of God. Our own evolution toward the Kingdom of God often carries with it much more sacrifice than that experienced by the domestic animals. Domestic animals, for instance, are often taken better care of than are those in the wild at the hands of nature.

Not far from where I live, the wild elk at the mercy of nature come close to starving to death in scarce winters. Without human assistance in supplying them with some extra food these poor animals would suffer horrible deaths.


-- End Of Part Three --


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Part Two

Part Four

Diet & Health (Article Index)