1999-2-4 09:58:00
The purpose of the Molecular Business is to duplicate nature. There is plenty of oxygen in the air out there for all of us. Similarly, there is plenty of money for all, and if we create a living business, it can breathe in all the money it needs, just as a living body can draw in all the needed oxygen.
However, the objector may say there is a limit on the money we can draw. He says this because he does not understand what money is. Money is merely a symbol of the labor which has created wealth. In other words, money is created by labor. Without the existence of labor, money would be without value and meaningless.
Just like the body is only limited by the amount of oxygen it draws from the number of breaths it takes, so is the Molecular Business only limited to the amount of money it can draw by the amount of labor it generates. There is no reason why all cannot live in abundance, for the Molecular Principle creates maximum efficiency and potential for unlimited wealth.
If the small businessman succeeds, he can create a comfortable living for himself. Even so, if a Molecular Business is to succeed, all employees (who are an expansion of the one-owner concept) may have to sacrifice, at first, so they too, as a whole, can enjoy an abundant life when success is reached.
When this equal payment principle is first explained, several objections surface:
1. Employees in a company wouldn't go for it.
2. You have to pay a high wage to get skilled employees.
3. No one would have the prospect of a high salary and everyone would have starvation wages.
OBJECTION ONE: On the surface, those who believe that employees would not go for the equal wage are correct. That is, it would be almost impossible to convince employees in orthodox businesses to change their wage structure in any direction but immediately up, especially those in the higher income bracket. You cannot put new wine in old bottles.
Therefore, the solution to objection one is to put the new wine in new bottles. All Molecular Businesses, in the beginning, will have to be built from the ground up, and in so doing, will have no problem attracting employees. As long as the standard wage being offered is a competitive one, there will always be a surplus of job applicants. The Molecular Business will not have to draw in 100, 200 and 300 thousand dollar-a-year executives from established businesses. It will evolve all the executive talent needed from the pool of ground level employees to create a well oiled machinery.
Multi-Level marketing companies have already proven that this can be done. All people join these companies at ground level, and those who rise to the top (many making more than $200,000 a year) are often from the ranks of very common people, such as janitors, laborers, teachers, salesclerks, etc.
OBJECTION TWO: It would seem that we could not pay an equal wage to everyone. Even if we could pull the managers from the ranks, there are usually certain skilled individuals such as engineers, lawyers, draftsmen, accountants, and so on who expect a fairly high starting wage.
The Molecular Business will put a lot of emphasis on training while on the job. Oftentimes a person will go to school four or more years to learn a trade and then find that most of his learning for his actual job performance comes from his working experience. Some jobs that are assumed by trained people can be taken by others who are trained on the job. Accounting is a good example. With the new computer programs taking a lot of the busywork out of keeping records and simplifying the learning process, accounting procedures can now be quickly taught to most anyone of average intelligence.
Thus, not only can all executives evolve from the ranks, but so can many skilled workers.
Nevertheless, it is recognized that there will be a need, now and then, to acquire a skilled employee at whatever cost the company has to pay. Even in this case a person of such skill may be attracted to the Molecular Business for a number of the following reasons:
1. The combination of cash, stock and other benefits will, most probably, reach a higher total that what he would receive in working for anyone else.
2. There would be great job satisfaction in working in a democratic business.
3. The combined prospect of long term financial gain, security and job satisfaction is greater in the Molecular Business than any other.
Nevertheless, if it comes down to the fact that the Molecular Business must pay a higher than normal wage to hire a crucial employee, then it always has that freedom to do so. There are never any rules that cannot be changed by the democratic process. Flexibility and adaptability are always key factors in growth.
It comes down to this: The Molecular Business always has full power to draw the talent it needs to accomplish its objectives.
OBJECTION THREE: When the principle of equal wages is explained many think that wage will be a starvation wage. It is hard for many to conceive of abundance for all.
First, one must remember that the wage is a combination of cash, stock and benefits. Their total combination will equal an attractive overall wage. The cash wage may not be a large amount when the Company is first starting, or in hard times but we will not be looking for employees that are after all-you-can-get-for-the-present-moment. We will be looking for those who want to build a secure and prosperous future as well as initiating a constructive world wide change.
When the Molecular Business first starts then, it is true, that its wages will be at a lower point than after it becomes established. So why not wait until after it succeeds and then join it?
The answer is quite simple. If it succeeds, those who started the Company will have a tremendous financial advantage because part of their payment is always in stock. Stock purchased at the beginning of a successful company will multiply many times in value after it gets established. Therefore, what may appear to be a lower starting wage may turn into a literal bonanza.
Then after the Company has become prosperous, the general wage will become more and more attractive until it will reach the point that employees of orthodox businesses will desire that their companies turn Molecular.
There are two points here that will need some clarification:
1 How is the take home wage and stock allocation decided?
2 Workers need monetary incentives to make them perform. How is this taken care of?
All employees in the Molecular Business have some hand in determining their wages. No facet, operation or financial matter will be hidden from them. Meetings will be held periodically to present to all employees recent financial, production and sales information. It is at meetings such as these that proposed changes in wages will be presented.
Wage increases or any other major change will evolve in the following manner: The President of the Company will study and receive counsel on the financial strength of the Company as to whether it could support a raise in employees' salaries. All financial detail is available to all employees, so he will also be receiving feedback through executives and workers about the popular opinion of the employees concerning an increase.
The President and the Board of Directors will generally meet once a month and the possibility of a wage change will be tossed around there. Here he will receive counsel from the board. When the time is right, the President will make a proposal on a wage adjustment (either up or down) and call for a vote.
If the proposal is not passed by a two-thirds majority of the Board, then the President can make a second proposal and another vote will be taken. The President can keep presenting alternatives until two-thirds of the board reaches agreement. If they are unable to reach agreement, then no change in wages will be created.
If the President's choice is passed by a two-thirds majority, then that decision will be presented for popular vote along with a written proposal that all employees will receive outlining the wisdom of the motion. The employees will then vote on the matter, and if a majority approve then the proposal goes into effect. If it is not approved then there will be no change until another, more acceptable proposal, passes through the Board to receive approval of the employees.
This procedure is the same for all major company wide policy changes.
The second method of paying employees is through stock. Everyone will receive the same cash wage but employees will receive different amounts of stock according to their position in the company. For example, the ground level employee may receive a set cash wage plus a 25% additional value in stock. (Not a fixed amount) The first level manager may receive the same cash wage plus 50% additional. The second level manager may receive a wage plus 75% additional and so on up. The amount of stock given for each position will be determined by the voting procedure mentioned above.
The payment in stock will be allocated in such a way that it can only be redeemed for the following reasons:
1. Retirement.
2. Payment of child support
3. Resignation or firing.
4. A donation to a non-profit organization.
5. A financial crisis.
6. Seed money for the employee to start a business of his own which will be linked with the original Company.
This has a multi-fold beneficial effect. First it provides a great avenue of security for the employee. Instead of retiring in poverty, he will retire with more abundance than he has ever had.
Next it will give employees incentive to pay their child support and not detract from their take-home pay. Currently, child support is a great hardship and sacrifice for the person who has to support two families.
If the person quits, or gets fired, he has a right to cash in his stock. Many, however, may want to leave the investment in the Company, even after quitting, if the Company is growing.
To avoid the problem of an employee quitting, cashing in his stock, then being rehired, an employee cannot be rehired for a period of two years after he has taken his stock.
The fourth point will increase donations to charitable causes and is also tax-deductible.
The stock can also be used as a cushion to help in a financial crisis. The Molecular Business will maintain a good benefit program in case of ill health and accident, (and also support alternative and preventative health care). You never know when some unexpected financial demand may come up. Therefore, the Company shall set up an emergency procedure whereby the employee may petition to receive his stock or a loan against his stock.
The sixth, and one of the greatest benefits, of the stock program is the power to use it to become an entrepreneur. In the world today there are many who dream of owning their own business, but never seem to have the working capital to do so. The power to start a business that requires some capital seems to be dished out somewhat randomly. There are a few strong-willed individuals who have managed to get the backing and savings to do it by themselves, but most have help from parents, relatives or friends with money. How about the person who has ambition, but no friends with money and is in a no-win situation as to saving money?
The Molecular Business is the great equalizer in this case. It provides an avenue whereby all people can set aside a nest-egg so when the time comes, they can exercise their power to initiate.
Any time the employee has a feasible plan to start a business he can cash in his stock to finance it. He can either do this himself or with partners. Furthermore, if the plan looks good and financial circumstances permit, the parent Company may even loan him the additional money he needs to finance his enterprise.
Why will it do this?
Because anything initiated with money from Company stock or funds is linked to the parent Molecular Business and is to be operated under the same Molecular principles as the original Company.
The person who initiated the branch business is the rightful heir to the presidency of the Company until such time as he withdraws by his own free will or pressure from the company because of bad deci8sions. This usually will not happen, however, as the initiate of a successful company generally sees the vision of company goals with the clearest sight and is the best one to run it.
The stock and wages paid in the branch company will be determined independently and may be different than the parent company. The reason for this is that it may make a greater or lesser profit than the originating Company. Nevertheless, it will operate on the same principles as the parent Company and everyone's take-home wages will be the same.
When the Molecular Business proves itself successful in principle many branch companies will be established and many faltering companies will turn Molecular. Each of these will be independent, yet linked in hierarchical formation to the Parent Company. The eventual goal will be to equalize the take-home wages so all are the same in standard-of-living value, and the end goal of that equality is abundance for all.
The reason we have put so much emphasis on the stock program is that this is one of the crucial points in making the Molecular Business successful. The sale of stock is one of the prime methods of producing working capital, and no business can succeed without it. Setting up this program where all surplus employee funds are placed in a stock program will give the business even more than working capital. It will give it expansion capital and power to assist its workers to make their own dreams a reality by starting their own business which shall be linked to all other Molecular companies.
The average person does not realize the power this will give a business to succeed and also compete with all other businesses, foreign and domestic.
Often when a company is short of funds, it will borrow at a high rate of interest, (sometimes up to 18% with company assets at risk as collateral). Not only are the company's assets at stake, but the interest must be paid back... every dollar paid on interest is a dollar that cannot be used to benefit employees.
Thus we can see that this stock program will allow us to start the most financially potent company in history, but it is not to be feared as some fear large corporations today. The Molecular Business does not have great benefits paid out to the few, for all are owners. It is for the benefit of the common person. The Molecular Business is not to be feared unless common people with financial freedom are to be feared.
I've always liked Abraham Lincoln's statement: "God must have loved the common people, he created so many of them."
One of the biggest objections to the whole Molecular Business concept is the fear that the employees will have little incentive to perform. Since all are receiving the same wage, one may ask, then why would anyone want to work extra hard to get ahead?
This is a good question, and one of the best ways to see the answer is to go back to the Parable on the Body after it became sick. To the cells that were hoarding, it seemed like suicide to go back to the sharing principle. At the time it seemed to them as if the only motivation left in life was to get ahead. As the parable illustrates, this is true as long as we are placed in a situation where the keynote is: "Each man for himself."
When this is the keynote of a people, then an individual sacrifice will often accomplish nothing. It takes a group endeavor, as illustrated by the cells, to prove the Molecular Principle.
When the Molecular Principle is in operation there is plenty of incentive, as illustrated by the cells in the Body when it became well and is illustrated by the cells in our own bodies everyday. If we disagree we are saying that we, as greater lives, are not capable of the same degree of cooperation as the lesser lives within us. If we think this we are deceived. We, as greater lives, are capable of even greater unity. Our problem is that we are in the embryonic stage of producing it. Sooner or later the ideal is always reached. Let us not give up striving toward it.
There are a number of incentives to enhance employee production that can exist in the Molecular Business.
First there is a monetary incentive. Even though everyone receives the same take-home wage, there is still quite a bit of incentive here. For starters, there will be greater monetary security here and full-time employment. Feeling sure you will have a job tomorrow means a lot and has great financial value. An unemployment period of six months can wipe out years of savings if purchases are repossessed.
The second incentive is the stock payments. Here, payments are dependent on the importance of your job. We have already discussed how this can be used, so we can see that this will be an incentive to the employee to take responsibility and will greatly add to his future security. Many will see the stock payments as more of an incentive than cash if the company is growing.
The third incentive is the actual take-home paycheck. It will fluctuate as the Company goes forward or backward. If everyone does their job well, then the Company makes more money, and if the Company makes more money, the employees can take an immediate hike in pay.
There are other things the Company can do. If speed in production is essential for a certain department, then instead of assigning the group the task of working eight hours a day and going home, they can be assigned the task of creating a specified number of their production units in a day. If they get them done in six hours instead of eight, they can either go home or work overtime. If quality is the most important item, then a bonus system can be worked up on this.
Bonuses and recognition will be a key ingredient in the Molecular Business. Conservation of cash will be important as the Company is growing; therefore, in recognizing achievement, the Company will emphasize bonuses in stock, dinners, vacations, privileges and a lot of pats on the back.
If the worker needs extra money he can work overtime. He will receive the same hourly wage in cash but an extra amount of stock which will be determined by the Company.
A fourth incentive in working for the Molecular Business is that it encourages initiative and will help its workers get started in a business of their own. Even if an employee does not start a business of his own he will find working in the Molecular Business will give him so much freedom it will be just about like being self-employed. Each manager will be like a steward over his responsibilities, and it will be close to creating the feeling that it is his own business enterprise.
A fifth incentive for an employee (and this one may prove to be greater than any monetary payment) is that the workplace of the Molecular Business will be where his friends are. He will enjoy the working atmosphere and it will be close to impossible to have the harassment problems and lack of freedom that exists in a regular business. Some employees will rather be Molecular even if they are making half the money. The work will be enjoyable and stimulating and at the same time the worker will realize he is working in an organization where everyone is interdependent and everyone is helping everyone else.
The sixth incentive occurs when an employee figures out how to do the job better. When this happens, the cost of production goes down and the wages go up. Anyone who helps to accomplish this will be recognized and receive great admiration from his peers because he helped them to receive a higher paycheck.
We could go on and on, but the basic principle is this: When an employee has enough money for his needs, good benefits, job security, retirement security, enjoyable work, freedom to work at his highest potential, freedom of expression and activity and the potential to increase his income indefinitely - where else will the guy go?
The Molecular Business will be his family, and no one wants to leave family.
Speaking of families, the Molecular business will encourage spouses with a reasonable amount of marital stability to work together on the job. If the marriage is good then working together will make it better and they can be a powerful team.
If the relationship is not stable, they would be better off working apart. The point is that many businesses refuse to let a husband and wife work together. This is an infringement on their freedom. If they desire to do so they should have that option.
Keep thinking and commenting on yesterday's question and I'll comment on the answer on my next post.
Near the end of Book Two we discovered that an important key word linked to the principle of DECISION is ATTENTION. How can DECISION and ATTENTION be used to increase soul contact?
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved