2003-2-1 06:59:00
I have read much on JJ's writings and have read the first two books and part of the third that have been posted already. This is my first time writing. In the writings it say how suppressed feelings can cause illness as well as karma and guilt. For the last few years I been ill with many illnesses from allergies, gallstones, asthma, and acid reflux, nausea, swallowing problems and tendonitis. I have bad tendonitis pain in my chest and it hurts to breath and move. I say the song of 144,000 and the invocation often it helps to calm me. Can these songs also heal the physical body since they help on the mental and spiritual plain and helps to protect one from destructive forces, feelings, and thoughts? How many times can the song be spoken per day? I've heard one needs to speak it three times? I would like to know the true cause of my illness. Why are miracle healings so rare and why is it so hard to get well? I was abused by my dad when I was a kid this might have cause me guilt. In JJ's writings he say that one can help others and, therefore, the karma is reduced and one might then have less guilt. But it is hard to help people when one feels ill a lot. I want to serve for good but it is hard when I am sick. I am hoping for more information that can help me to get well. Please help me thank you. I want to read more on JJ's writings on healing the body.
My Friend,
Let me ask you a few questions and then perhaps myself or other members can help you.
Your age
How long have you had health problems?
How many medications are you taking?
What kind of diet are you on?
Are you in to alternative health and medicine?
What have you tried in this area?
Have you read my writings on health in the archives?
Do you feel you suppress?
Outside of your health is your life a happy one?
Do you worry about money? Do you have stressful relationships?
Are you an optimist or pessimist?
You can also send me a couple paragraphs of your handwriting to
J J Dewey
P. O. Box 8011
Boise, Idaho 83707
This may help me offer you advice.
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved