More on Initiation

2003-1-27 03:45:00

John C:
Let me put it another way, I have much stronger soul impressions about the members of this list than I do about any of the current crop of politicians, regardless of their stripe. Perhaps the reason for this is our long correspondence which lets us know each other better, but I would sooner trust a member of this list under any circumstance I can think of.

Yes, I have a soft spot for members of this list also. There is not another group of people I would rather associate with. This does not discount the fact that there are aspirants, disciples and initiates who have soul contact (from time to time) who are scattered as yeast within every major organization and philosophical train of thought upon the earth.

There are a lot of unsung pioneers in the computer revolution, who are initiates in their own right. The average person will probably never hear about the guy who invented the Internet (NOT Al Gore), the guy who invented word processing, the guy who invented the mouse, or a woman named Ada, who was the first programmer over 100 years ago. Or how about the guy who really wrote MS-DOS and sold it to Bill Gates for $50,000? But, as you said in Soul Contact VIII "The freedom to serve according to one's free will brings the disciple more reward than all the material things in the world and any recognition from the inhabitants of the Kingdom of God is seen as a bonus." I know you have to cite famous people that we all know as examples of initiates, but there are plenty of people who are initiates in their own fields of endeavor. I'm sure the masters are aware of them and are watching them.

You give an interesting example of Bill Gates and the guy who actually created the program MS-DOS - Tim Patterson. Many people think that Patterson, who actually created the program, was the greater initiator in the whole scheme of things, but was he?

The fact is that for every one person who can take an idea, or invention, and materialize its appearance on the physical plane for mass consumption, there are a hundred idea people who never go anywhere.

Why is this?

It is easier to come up with an idea or invention than it is to bring it (through much resistance) to the public and convince them to use it.

If Patterson had the vision of Bill Gates, he would have never sold the program to Gates for under $100,000. Because Gates saw the vision he was willing to go out on a limb to acquire it. And what would Gates had done if Patterson had not sold? I doubt if he would have quit there. He would have probably offered Patterson another more favorable deal or found some other software.

The point is that Gates would have initiated something significant no matter how Patterson would have reacted to his offer and the general public still would not know who Patterson is.

To materialize a major change upon the earth takes an initiate and to think that an idea person can do this with creativity or consciousness alone is to misjudge the situation.

Our friend, Sterling, Susan Carter's son-in-law, presents us with a case in point. He has done a tremendous amount of research into alternative fuels and engines. It is amazing how many possibilities he has found and a number of them, in his opinion, hold much promise. The interesting thing is that none of these inventors have had the initiating power to get these engines perfected and to the market. Sterling, like Gates, sees a great opportunity here. He has a great desire to find an alternative engine and get it into the hands of the people. Because I have some understanding of the difficulties in initiating, I surmise that he has bitten off more than he initially realized. Even so, he is plugging away at it and if successful, he will indeed prove himself to be an initiate.

An initiate is one who initiates. To dream and create in the imagination is only the first step. To build a prototype is a second step. But to get the concept into the hands of the public and convince them to buy and use it is by far the most difficult.

Initiation as it is defined in the Ancient Wisdom is too complex of a subject to cover here. It is a subject we have not covered in much detail yet but hope to one day.

There are many things involved in passing the various initiations, which are seven in number for this planet, and two to be taken on more advance systems. There is one common thread that will run through them. The initiates will be working on initiating something beneficial for humanity and the approaching initiation will not be consummated until the project has a life of its own.

The giving out of revelation by DK through Alice A. Bailey in this century and another disciple later in this century is part of an initiation that he is personally working on. One must admit that his teachings so far have initiated significant change in the way many think.

May this group also change the way many in the world think - for the better of course.