2003-1-19 02:25:00
Anna writes:
"Why can't we just serve God and people for the sake of service itself? I must admit that I am a little bit disappointed with John, your teacher, who is explaining that even the great Masters are interested in us only when there is something in it for them. Yes, I narrowed your whole chapter just to these few words, but that is what disturbed me most. To make myself more clear I tell something from my life. Here it is."
(Concerning her encounters with Mormons she says):
I got the impression that we should be believers, because God has promised all those eternal goodies to all of us. That was exactly what always turned me off or away....
Do we believe, because God promised salvation? My question to the Mormons, on which they had no answer, was as follows:
If today you would find out with assurance that you will not get anything that your church is teaching you will, would you still love Jesus and God only because you knew what they have done already for you or only because They/He are/is who They/He are/is, or who They/He are/is becoming, if you please.
Frankly, I have all my efforts concentrated on living my life in such a way that I can stand before a mirror, looking deeply in my own eyes and with all honesty I can answer on this same question: "YES, I DO and Yes, I WILL."
I love God and Jesus the Christ (in all his incarnations) for Who They/He are/is and for all They/He stand/s for and not because I have something out of them when I do believe in them and declare to work for them. I love for the sake of Love and I serve for the sake of Service. It is that simple, so why would Jesus help or do something for us only if He had something for him in it... You did confuse me with this more than ever... or rather made me sad with it....
JJ Response:
Before I comment it might be of interest to note that the Bible itself gives one of the prime motivations of Jesus. In the book of Hebrews we read:
"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." Heb 12:2
So what was the self interest that motivated Jesus to endure the pain of the cross?
The scripture answers: "for the joy that was set before him."
This was a motive that was much deeper than service for the sake of service. Many of the Nazis, cult members, and subjects of tyrants serve for the sake of service and love their leader for the sake of loving him. It does not occur to many robotic followers of various hypnotic systems to question their motives and simply ask themselves this question:
"Why I am serving this man, this leader or this concept of God that is in my mind?"
Not only must this question be asked, but it must be honestly answered.
If we are only serving God, Jesus, Buddha etc for the sake of service then what happens if our notion of God, Jesus or Buddha is entirely incorrect as is the case with most people?
Some people thought that Hitler was the second coming because he fit the image of Jesus that was in their consciousness. These blind followers found their service to Jesus became transmuted to service to a ruthless dictator.
Service for the sake of service to an unknown God has been the cause of great pain, destruction, suicide bombers, and almost every war that has been upon the earth.
Now, some may say that this is not a problem because they know the true God and the true Jesus. Millions of people with diverse views say this to themselves every day. Some of these people see God as a dictator who is happy to destroy millions of people on a whim because they have the wrong race or belief system. Others see a fairly loving God, but a God that isn't that bright.
The only real safety in our progression is to serve for a cause that will bring the largest benefit to the greatest number of people to which we are connected. Because we are all connected by Soul, serving others brings similar joy to serving ourselves.
Some people are motivated to serve because their religion promises them some material reward such as 70 virgins, streets of gold, crystal castles etc, but these are rewards that appeal to the lower self, or the dark path. These motives must be transcended and be replaced by the joy of service to a cause greater than the lower self
Jesus had a vision of the great joy his service would return to him, and this was indeed a motivation for him to go in the direction that he took in the service of humanity.
As many of you know, I have spent many tireless hours of service in teaching this group. And what has been my motive and reward? It has certainly not been money, for it has cost me a good deal of time which could have been applied making money to do it. Nor does my motive have anything to do with ego fulfillment, the need for more friends or anything else connected with the lower self.
I have been given a taste of the joy which the purpose I serve can render, not only for myself but for others. Because of this I can completely understand why Jesus was motivated by joy.
What good would eternal life be if we served without reservations yet were dismal and without joy, peace or any enjoyable livingness?
Many of us here serve because we understand the value of enhancing the whole, but we must not forget that each of us are a part of that whole; and if even one individual is denied a fullness of joy then the group will also fall short of wholeness, or holiness.
Below are three interesting quotes from A Course in Miracles:
"But unless you take your part in the creation, His joy is not complete because yours is incomplete. And this He does know. He knows it in His Own Being and its experience of His Son's experience. The constant going out of His Love is blocked when His channels are closed, and He is lonely when the minds He created do not communicate fully with Him."
"God is incomplete without you because His grandeur is total, and you cannot be missing from it. You are altogether irreplaceable in the Mind of God. No one else can fill your part in it, and while you leave your part of it empty your eternal place merely waits for your return."
"Whenever you question your value, say: God Himself is incomplete without me."
This is an interesting thought that agrees with Chapter 22. God himself is motivated to serve those lower than Himself because of what He gets out of it. He is motivated to complete Himself. If He already felt complete, then perhaps this fallen world would be completely ignored.
Fortunately, the lower lives are not ignored by the higher because there is more reward for them than service for sake of service only.
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved