2003-1-11 04:32:00
Welcome to a new poster - Brother Merritt.
Also welcome back to Glenys after a too long of a hiatus.
Keith writes:
Question: Within the Immortal story John the Beloved is resurrected again and again with some of his memories intact - the rest he accumulates over the course of his present body's lifetime. Now, has John retarded his spiritual progress by retaining his past memories, or is John an exception? If memories are retained then one's attention is directed to the past more than they normally would be.
Rapter Keith (If starting fresh in a new body without any memories of the past is a blessing - thus having memories could be considered a curse. Are J.J., Elizabeth and John cursed?)
John, as the book explains, is brought back to life in his own body with his brain intact. A clone is a new and separate body with a different brain.
When, as person learns his lessons and achieves, (or is close to liberation) then the forgetting and the attaining new bodies are not so important. DK has had the same body for about 300 years and other masters much longer. They have learned to continue with their learning and progress without being forced to forget and refocus.
A situation like John's is a handicap in many ways but sometimes servants must suffer limitation to serve the greater good. All servants will eventually become masters and gain the ability to extend life as long as it serves higher purpose.
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved