2003-1-7 13:06:00
I can always depend on John C commenting on the book. He writes:
I have a comment and a couple of questions.
When Joe asked what reward the Brotherhood of Light receive for their efforts, I think there is a better answer in the archives, than was given in the chapter.
"The end result is worth the effort for both the Masters and the disciples, but as the disciple becomes one with the soul his consciousness blends with the Master through the Oneness Principle and this provides an increase in energy (food) for the kingdom of God." (Food of the Gods)
"Finally the wheat is gathered into the barn. Those with soul contact are gathered together as one in the higher planes, and become the food of the gods. The higher lives feast on the works of their labors, and receive nourishment from us lesser lives, that allows them to progress onward in the eternal work." (Wheat and the Tares #1)
The chapter talks just about receiving light, either directly from the source, or reflected light from below. If you look at light as energy, wouldn't there be a two-way flow? Inflow/outflow, male/female. Although polarized in one direction?
Good points John. There was not enough time in the chapter to go into a full explanation. Keep in mind that "above" means more than just higher lives. It also means the soul energy which permeates all lives and forms. Because of the rejection of soul by the Dark Brothers their life-giving soul energy begins to be cut off and they must seek a reflected energy which is not their own. When it is taken, there is decrease for all. When those in the light use soul energy there is increase and abundance because of reliance on the Source.
John C:
It seems to me that as reflections of the one great life, we all have within us the capacity to generate energy to some extent. This capacity might be impaired, or diminished, but don't we also have that capacity as well? Don't we give and receive light and energy to from one another?
Yes. The soul opens the doors of unlimited spiritual energy. It opens avenues of contact with the Holy Spirit and higher, more advanced lives.
John C:
It would seem that the brotherhood of light FREELY give and receive. They allow energy to flow through them as a conduit, whereas the dark brethren only TAKE energy, and that through force and deception.
You are correct. The Brotherhood of Light receives from above (Spirit & higher lives) whereas the Dark Brotherhood take from the lower for their sustenance.
Lower lives, of course, assist the higher in the correct order of things, but it is done through knowledge and free will. The energy from the lower is poured into the whole and all benefit. In this way the higher lives give to the lower and the lower give back.
John C:
I have been thinking a lot about energy and it is not a simple subject. I am seeing that not only is there the direction of energy flow, but the quantity and quality of energy, the level of vibration or frequency. Also, whether the energy is flowing freely or is coerced, or refused, or distorted or mixed with desires or other thought forms. This is probably too much detail to put into one chapter of a book.
It is complex, but the basic principle is simple. It's a little like our computers which perform very complex tasks yet the whole complexity is created from a binary system of two factors - 0 & 1.
Even so, giving and receiving is behind all the energy flows in the universe. This plus the principle of polarity creates the whole process. By polarity I mean that wherever we look there will always be either more giving than receiving or more receiving than giving in any area examined. Without this polarity principle there would be no creation.
The Dark Brothers eliminate polarity before creation has fulfilled its purpose and are this on the path of desolation and death.
Copyright 2003 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved