2002-12-13 04:57:00
Thought I would make a few comments about the discussion on astrology. DK tells us that there are three levels of interpretation, based on the consciousness of the person in question.
The first is called orthodox. This is astrology as the world knows and understands it. He tells us that this is not founded so much on the accuracy of the placement of the stars and planets as it is a thought form created by humanity over the ages. Because the thought form is so well established the power of regular astrological interpretation can be quite accurate on average individuals.
When a person becomes a disciple his actions will often run counter to thought forms and thus a standard astrological reading will often miss key points in his case. Djwhal Khul thus gives us a new set of ruling planets for disciples.
The next stage up is the Hierarchy within the Brotherhood of Light. Their astrology charts are interpreted with higher principles still.
As far as Scorpio or any other sign being a negative one, let me make a few points.
(1) First we all progress through the zodiac in our various births and each sign that we are born under has lessons for us to learn. Just because you are born in a certain sign does not make you good or evil. All it does is subject the pilgrim to unique influences.
(2) The sign we are born in is called the sun sign and the sun is the greatest influence but only exerts about 25% of the influence of the chart as a whole. To understand the other 75%, dozens of other factors and influences must be examined.
(3) Each sign has its positive and negative aspects.
(4) All of us have some influence from Scorpio in our charts.
So why is it that Scorpio has been picked on by some as a sign to avoid?
Part of the reason is that Scorpio, more than any other sign has been associated with death and divorce. On the negative side, Scorpios are seen as emotional, unpredictable, secretive and one who may turn on you unexpectedly.
Of course, Scorpio does have a negative side as do all sign influences, but that which scares some is its association with death. This concern is caused by a lack of understanding.
To understand Scorpio we must understand the core principle governing the lessons to be learned in this sign, which is governed by Mars both esoterically and exoterically.
DK gives an important clue. First he tells is that Scorpio is a key sign where the seeker becomes the disciple. A key phrase is:
"Warrior I am, and from the battle I emerge triumphant."
Scorpio presents to the seeker a battleground within the realm of the mind. When governed by this sign, his soul will lead him into situations that will demand great courage. It does not mean he will face divorce and death in the normal sense, but in a spiritual sense he must muster the courage to face the feelings generated by death of the old way of doing things and he will face the feelings generated by friends and family who divorce themselves from him as he moves ahead of them on the path.
The most important courage to be obtained in Scorpio is the power to face your feelings of fear and dread at the no win situations which occur in life. When the seeker learns to face all feelings of dread and yet continue on the path with love and hope then he has crossed the threshold and moves beyond the negative aspects of this sign.
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved