2002-12-8 16:07:00
My Friends,
Thank you for your comments on Chapter Nineteen. I was happy to see that you liked it. I'll try and get the next chapter out faster. With my time being even more limited this time than it was when I was writing Books One and Two, (lots of extra things to take care of) it really helps to know I have a cheering section awaiting the next output.
As for what the Rock was that Jesus mentioned to Peter, I was going to look up my previous writings on it and, lo, John did the work for me and saved me the effort. Thanks John. I think that just about covered my thoughts on it.
Interesting comments on the chapter, John. The list missed you when you were gone and all are glad to have you back.
As far as the thirteen (12+1) goes, I'll add this. In the Piscean Age both the Light and Dark Brotherhoods used this number. Jesus, as we know, was the thirteenth in the molecule at that time.
The thirteenth stands for the voice of authority and for the good guys this is the voice of Christ. Since Jesus was the physical representative of the Christ, He became the visible thirteenth at that time.
Even though the Christ Principle has no form, there is always one with form who represents this principle on any planet with intelligent life. On earth he is presently the master who descended into the body of Jesus at his baptism.
During the Piscean Age the thirteenth was allowed to be represented by physical form because the people of that age could not see beyond an authority figure.
When Joseph Smith organized the LDS church he had a governing body of 12 plus a trinity representing the thirteenth. Quite a few members of the church were against the creation of this first presidency and for good reason. The church was created just as the Aquarian Age was dawning, where authority would be de-emphasized. What the physical representation of the thirteenth did then was to create a very Piscean and authoritative church which will be out of place in the Aquarian Age.
In this the new age, the thirteenth will not have a physical representative. Instead, the thirteenth will be seen as the invisible Christ Principle which is inside of us all. Through soul contact then all of us become subject to the one infallible authority. The highest teacher will be one of the visible twelve/twenty-four and will be seen as a lesser authority than the voice of the soul.
The Dark Brotherhood will continue to place emphasis on the visible thirteenth and will never progress beyond the outward authority even though they may deceitfully preach inner authority to obtain disciples.
Copyright 2002 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved